Chapter 22

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Grace's Pov

I go with Sethy and Jakie to their house. I look outside as we drive. I like all of the colors and trees.

"What's wrong Gracie? Are you ok?" Sethy says. I smile and nod. "Mhmm. I just want your friends to like me."

Sethy gives me a hug and says, "They will don't worry. Emily really wants to meet you." I nod and look back outside.

We pull up to a small house. "Let's go kiddo," Jakie says. Sethy helps me out of my car seat and I jump out.

Once Sethy comes over I cling onto his leg. "Don't be scared Grace. It's ok." I nod and he picks me up. I hug his neck and hide my face.

We start walking to a door and I hear Jakie say, "Emily! We brought a surprise!" I hear someone run into the room and I peak over.

There is a girl with black hair like Allie's, but this girl has long hair. She gives me a big smile. "So this is the famous Gracelyn. Seth and Jacob has told me so much about you. You are a very pretty little girl."

I give Emily a small smile and say quietly, "You can call me Grace. Jakie does." Emily grins and nods.

"Well I call her Gracie, but that's just mine, so you can't steal it Emily." Sethy says and starts to tickle me. I start to giggle, then laugh really loud.

"Sethy! Stop, stop!" He stops and grins at me. He acts like he is fixing to tickle me again, so I hurry out of his arms and run into the living room. I see Jakie sitting down and I run to him. "Jakie save me!" I yell and jump onto his lap, but I look and it's not my Jakie.

I scream and try to run away. "Gracie it's ok. That's just my friend Embry. Shh, shh. Calm down." I run to Sethy and cry quietly into his shoulder.

I feel someone put their hand on my back and hear them say, "I'm sorry I scared you. Can you forgive me?" I nod my head and hug Sethy tighter.

"Come on little Grace. I heard you like cookies. Do you want to make some fresh ones with me?" I turn and see Emily beside me. I nod and hold her hand as we go to the kitchen.

"Here. Let me sit you on the table so you can see better." Emily says, and picks me up to put me on the table. "So what did you do today," Emily says and puts the things for the cookies on the table.

"I went to school for the first time!" I say excited to tell someone about my day.

"Really? Was it fun? Did you make lots of friends?"

I shake my head sadly, "No. No one liked me, but I did get to draw my friends pictures! And I saw a puppy dog outside!"

Emily smiles at me, "You like puppy dogs?"

I nod my head fast, "Yes! They are so cute! I want my own puppy dog one day!"

Emily laughs, "Maybe you'll get one. So what did you draw everyone?" I start to eat tiny chocolate chips when she isn't looking.

"I drawed a picture with me and them, then I drawed something else. I drawed Sethy and Jakie a puppy dog, because I love puppies and I love them too! I did Mama and Daddy a heart!" Emily smiles at me and starts to mix things in a bowl.

"Can I do it Miss Emmy?" Emmy smiles and hands me the bowl.

"Careful. Don't spill it all over your pretty dress." I nod and carefully mix the bowl. I hear someone try to laugh quietly and I look up and see Sethy, Jakie, and Embry.

"Hey! Why are you laughing at me!" I say mad at them. They are not being nice. "I'm sorry Gracie. You are just concentrating very hard and it's cute." I pout and look at Miss Emmy.

"They are being mean. They don't need cookies." Emmy looks at the boys. "You heard the girl. No cookies for you three." I giggle and smile at Miss Emmy.

"But Gracie!! I want a cookie!" I giggle at Sethy and shake my head. "No. You Jakie, and Embwe are being mean. Me and Miss Emmy get the cookies." They start complaining and I giggle at them.

"Hey, everyone! I'm back!" I stop laughing and look around. Who is coming here?

"Hey, Quil. We're in here." I look at Sethy and he comes over.

"It's ok, Gracie. Just another friend of mine. His names Quil. You'll like him." I nod and hold Sethy's hand.

"Well hello beautiful. My name's Quil. Is that food your making?" I giggle and nod.

"Mhmm. Sethy, Jakie, and Embwe don't get any cookies." Quil comes over and sits on the table by me.

"Well, I love cookies. Can I have one?" I start thinking, but can't decide. I try to jump down from the table, but Sethy reaches me and helps me down. I run to Miss Emmy and tell her to come.

"Should we let him have a cookie Miss Emmy?" Emily looks over at Quil and raises an eyebrow. "I think we can let him have one, but just one." She whispers to me, and I nod and giggle.

I run back to the table and start climbing a chair to get up there. Jakie helps me up and I smile at him. "Ok. You can have only one cookie."

Quil grins and says, "Yes! One more than Seth gets!" I giggle and nod.

Embwe shoves Sethy's shoulder, "Looks like Quils stealing your girl."

I shake my head, but Sethy says, "Nope. I'm Grace's favorite. Isn't that right, Gracie?" I giggle and sit on Quils lap.

"No ma'am you don't. You're mine." I giggle as Sethy spins me in the air.

"Let's play tag. Sethy's it!" I say and run as fast as I can away from him.

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