Chapter 9

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Edward's Pov

After Grace finished her food she asked Rosalie and Alice to help her in her room. I laugh when I hear what she's planning.

"What is she doing, Edward?" Esme asks me. I smile, "She wants it to be a surprise. You'll see soon." She smiles and goes into the living room and sits on the couch by Carlisle.

The pallet we made for Grace is right in front of the tv, so the couch has a clear view of both the television and the fort. I listen and hear giggling from upstairs. "Make way for Princess Gracelyn!" Rosalie says from upstairs.

Grace walks slowly down the stairs, tiny heels clicking the whole way. A smile lights up everyone's faces. She has on a light blue dress that makes her red hair pop. She has on little white heels that have sparkles everywhere and a glittering tiara on her head. She smiles as she comes down and curtsies. We all bow to her and she giggles.

She runs up to me, tripping the whole way, and jumps into my arms. "Look Eddie! Now I'm a real princess! I have on makeup too!"

I smile, "Yes, you do. You look very pretty."

She smiles and I set her down. "Thank you, Prince Charming."

I laugh and bow down to her, "Princess." She giggles and spins around to face Alice and Rosalie. "Thank you for making me a princess!" They smile at her and nod.

She dances around the house until we hear the doorbell ring. We rush over to the door where she's at and I pull her to my side. I smell who it might be and I hear Emmett mumble, "Dogs. We can't let them in."

"We have no choice. They heard her in the woods today and is wondering," I mumble back.

"Eddie? Who's at the door?" I pick her up and hold her close to me.

"I'm not sure. Let's see." I look at Carlisle and he opens the door to see Billy Black, Jacob Black, Sam Uley, and Paul Lahote. (Just to make this clear. The Cullens came to Forks 1 or 2 years before Bella came back, so that means Jacob phased when he was 15.)

"Gentlemen. What can I do for you?" Carlisle asks. Grace peaks around and sees the men. She holds on to me tighter. She's never seen anyone outside of our family before, I realize.

"We came to see if it was true." Sam said in a very calm, but strict manner. Grace jumps and holds on tighter.

"Shh, shh. It's ok. I've got you," I whisper into her ear.

"Come on it. We can talk about the matter in my office." Carlisle says and opens the door to let our guests in.

"Excuse the mess. We didn't know we would have company." Esme says and motions for everyone to follow her. As we past the living room Grace says to me, "Can we still have movie night? I ate all my broccoli."

I smile and kiss her head, "We'll have to see. Go upstairs with Rosalie and Alice so you can change into your pajamas."

She shakes her head, "But I just turned into a princess." She says with a frown. I notice everyone looking at me and Grace, but I don't care.

"Go put on your princess pajamas. Then you can still be a princess."

She smiles, "Can I still wear my crown?"

I laugh, "Yes. You may wear your crown. Now, get ready for movie time." She giggles and runs upstairs to get ready.

I turn towards the others, a solemn look plastered to my face. "Let's talk before she comes back down." I walk into Carlisle's office, everyone following me.

"How long have you had the child?" Sam asks.

Rosalie stands up and walks over, "That doesn't matter. Why are you here anyway?"

Sam walks closer to us, "We protect the people of Forks. She is an innocent child, she shouldn't be pulled into this world."

"She's not. She doesn't know anything." Jasper says and comes to Rosalie's side.

Carlisle comes between us with his hands open. "Let's talk about this in a civil manner. The child is ours. We adopted her when she was a baby because the doctors at Seattle needed someone to talk care of her since she was sick. We have taken care of her since. She is part of our family, now. We would never hurt Gracelyn." Carlisle says.

Jacob intervenes, "Not on purpose you won't. You still shouldn't take care of her. It's not safe."

I step up to him, "Safer than her being with you dogs," I growl.

He growls backs, "She shouldn't stay here with you, leeches." We both take a step forward and growl, but then I hear a heartbeat coming towards us. "Stop," I hiss and we all stay silent.

I hear Grace come down the stairs and look around the kitchen and living room for us. Her heartbeat speeds up and I hear Jasper whisper, "She's scared. Edward, go find her."

I rush out and see her looking all around the house, tears welling up in her eyes. "Grace? What's wrong." I ask and she runs to me.

"I didn't know where you were. I was scared you left me Eddie." I hug her tight and she clings to me.

"I'm sorry, princess. I would never leave you. We are in Daddy's office. Do you want to meet some new people?"

She shakes her head, "I don't know them."

I smile, "I know, but they'll love you." She nods and I take her in to see the dogs.

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