Chapter 46

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I open my eyes with a yawn and sit up. "Hey,  darlin'. You've been asleep for a while now."

I look over to see Jasper sitting beside me and Emmett beside him. They were playing a video game more than likely. I curl my legs up to my chest and lean against his side as he wraps an arm around my waist.

"Mhmm. I'm never sleeping with Leah again. Let me rephrase that, I'm never staying up with Leah ever again."

Jasper chuckles, "Yeah. I heard Seth tell Esme you stayed up pretty early. She's not too pleased about you eating that junk food either, missy."

I groan and hide myself into his side. "How mad is she?"

"Mad enough to hide or throw away the rest of the  junk food we have it the house," my mother says behind me in a sickeningly sweet voice. My eyes widen and I turn to look at her.

"It's not my fault! Seth brought the candy knowing I couldn't have some! The only logical thing to do is eat it and save Mrs. Sue the trouble of having to keep it away from Seth. He's been gaining weight, you know. Not good for wolves. At all." I try to say smartly, but I hear a loud over exaggerated gasp come from somewhere behind my mom.

Seth walks out from behind her and I cringe at the sight. "I am not fat! I am gaining muscle! And I didn't bring the candy for you to eat the whole bag! I told you she'd try to blame it on me."

Now, it's my turn to gasp. "I didn't eat the whole bag! Leah did! I just sorta helped with all the chocolate and gummy worms.... But it is too your fault Seth! You brought it, you let me eat it, now you have to get me out of trouble." I stand up on the couch and turn to face Seth so we're the same, well almost the same, height.

"Gracelyn Cullen. Off the couch."

"I didn't force you to eat it! That's your fault!"

"You're supposed to help me when I'm in trouble Seth! Isn't that one of your codes of conduct or something?" I say and smirk as his mouth falls open.

My brothers start laughing at Seth and he pouts. "That's not fair! You can't use that as an excuse! Only I get to do that!"

"Now, I do too! If you get to limit my actions because of the imprint, I should be able to raise yours. You helped me into this mess, you got to get me out of it."

Seth glares at me, I glare back. A silent staring contest in is the making. "It's Cullen verses Clearwater. Only one will win. Will it be the sweet Little Red? Or will it be the Wolf who falls for Little Red's tricks and innocent face. Stay tuned." Emmett's commentary is not helping and I crack a smile.

I feel like I'm fixing to blink so I quickly blow in Seth's eyes to make him blink and he screams, "Cheater! You can't blow in my eyes!"

"Little Red wins! But using the skill of cheating that I taught her. I am so proud."

I laugh, "All's fair in love, war, and chocolate Seth." Seth glares at me and springs forward to catch me, but I duck down and huddle to both Emmett and Jasper's side. "Time to prove your worth, oh favorite brothers of mine," I say dramatically and they smirk and wrap arms across my body, so I grin at Seth.

"I'm going to ask calmly and nicely for the sake that I don't want to die. Please hand me over the devil so I can make her feel sorry for cheating."

Jasper and Emmett look over at one another and I start to get nervous. They both smirk and nod at the same time before turning back to Seth.

"We're sorry, but we can not loose our favorite brother titles,"  I grin at both of them proudly until their smirk grows, "unless you are going to be punishing by the way of tickling, then you've got a deal."

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