Chapter 12

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"Ok, so what does Princess Grace want for breakfast?"

She looks at Rosalie with wide eyes, "Anything I want?" Esme laughs and picks her up. "Well, what do you want that is breakfast food?"

She grins, "Umm.... Chocolate pancakes!"

Esme smiles and nods her head. "Ok. Go play and they'll be done in a little while."

She smiles and goes to hug Carlisle. "I wish you didn't have to go to work."

Carlisle smiles with a gleam in his eyes, "Is that what Princess Grace wants? Well, I can't say no to the princess on her special day."

She gasps and jumps into his arms, "Your staying with me today! Yay! Thank you, Daddy!"

He laughs and kisses her head, "Your welcome, baby girl. I heard you were upset this morning. Do you want to talk about it?"

She shakes her head, "Emmy and Eddie helped me. I'm ok."

He smiles at me and Emmett and Emmett grins widely. "Why are you grinning? You didn't do anything." I say lowly to him.

He scoffs, "Yeah, right. She only started to smile when I walked in. I can't blame her, though. All the ladies smile when I walk into a room." He says and grins, until Rose smacks him upside the head. I smile and hear a voice behind me giggling. I turn to see Grace watching us.

Emmett bends down, "What are you laughing at?" She giggles again. "Rosie got you."

Emmett grins, "That was mean wasn't it?"

She runs to Rosalie, and Rose picks her up. "He deserved it, Grace. He was being ridiculous."

Emmett gasps, "Me? Ridiculous?" Grace giggles and goes to Carlisle. "Daddy? Will people need your help at the doctor's office?" She asks him.

He smiles, "If they do they'll call me. I took off of work so I could stay here today." She hugs him and he smiles.

"I love you," she says and tightens her grip. Oh no. I thought she was better. "As do I," Carlisle says and kisses her head. "Ok. Go see Mama. I think she's finished your Chocolate chip pancakes." Grace smiles and nods.

As she's walking to the kitchen she looks back at all of us. Like she's waiting for all of us to disappear. "We'll be there in a little bit, Grace. Go on ahead." I say and she nods her head and walks off. I sigh. I know what's upsetting her, but I thought she would forget about it during the party.

"What was the dream about Edward?" Emmett asks and I sigh. "She dreamt of us all leaving her. Yesterday, she heard the mutts talking when they said she shouldn't stay with us. That's when she walked downstairs and saw that we weren't in the living room and panicked. She thought we left. So her dream was about her looking everywhere to find us and she couldn't." They all sigh sadly.

"Daddy! Come here!" We hear her call from the kitchen. Carlisle walks into the kitchen with all of us trailing behind him.

"Look! It's a princess crown! Mommy made me a princess pancake!" He chuckles and sits down next to her. "You better eat it all up. A princess always finishes her meal."

She nods and takes big bite of her food. I smile and turn to see my siblings smiling at her as well.

Once she finishes her food she gets up and runs to me. "Eddie! Can we go outside and play?" She asks me. I nod and we all go outside to play. She decides we are going to be playing hide and seek, so I count and everyone runs to hide.

I look around and I don't see Gracelyn anywhere. I run all around the house and at her favorite hiding spots and I still don't see her. I start to panic until I hear a shrill scream from deep into the forest.

Everyone rushes her way and sees her on the forest floor with her hands over her eyes. "Grace. Grace, look at me." I say and she peaks through her eyes, but when she sees us she jumps up and runs to my arms. She cries and I hold her. I look around, but I don't see anything. "There was a big bear. I thought it was going to eat me!" She says and clings on to me.

I sniff around and smell wolf. I look and we are right by the treaty line. She saw one of the wolves. "Shh, shh. It's ok. We've got you. Nothing's going to happen to you. It ran away. It's not here anymore. We've got you, Grace."

She nods her tiny head and hides herself in my arms. I look at my siblings and we all nod. She can't come out here alone anymore. Not without us.

As we all go home Esme and Carlisle are waiting on the porch. "Grace! Oh sweetie what's wrong?" She holds on to Esme. "I saw a bear." She say quietly, her voice quivering.

"She saw one of the wolves on the other side of the treaty line. She can't go out there without one of us ever again," I mumble to everyone. They nod and Carlisle comes over to Grace.

"Come here, Grace." He says and she holds on to him. "It's ok. It's gone now. It won't ever come back."

She nods and sniffles, "Can I stay inside today?" She looks at Carlisle, her eyes red and puffy from where she was crying. "Of course. I think we were just about to start the movie. Let's go watch a princess movie."

She nods and they all go inside. I share a look with my siblings and we all have the same idea. "Carlisle. We'll be back in a minute." I say and we rush off. Back towards the woods.

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