Chapter 10

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Edward's Pov

"Sam, Billy, Jacob, Paul, this is Gracelyn. Grace these are our visitors." I introduce to Grace. She looks at them then hides her head in my shoulder blade.

"Why don't you go say hi?" I whisper to her and she looks at me nervously. "Don't be nervous," I mumble and set her down. She walks forward, but holds my hand the whole time.

"Hi. I'm Grace. Would you like a cookie?" She whispers quietly. Our whole family laugh silently while the wolves look confused. Jacob bends down to her level and smiles. "Hey, kiddo. My name's Jacob, but you can call me Jake."

I growl lowly and he smirks at me. 'Jealous much bloodsucker?' he thinks to me and I tighten my hold on Grace. Grace smiles at Jacob and says, "Would you like a cookie, Jakie? There really good. Eddie likes cookies too!"

He laughs, "He does? Well, I guess I'll have to try one of these cookies." She grins and takes his hand. "Eddie let's get Jakie and his friends a cookie." I sigh as we walk into the kitchen. I grab the cookie jar and hand it to Grace. "Careful. Don't fall, Grace." I say and she grins, "I won't fall. I'm strong."

I smile at her, "I know." She giggles and walks to Jacob. "Here! Here's a cookie!"

Jacob gets one and over exaggerates when he says, "Your right! These are really good!" She giggle and runs into Carlisle's office.

"Jakie likes the cookie! Would you like one?" She asks Paul, Sam and Billy. Billy smiles and shakes his head, Sam says no thank you, and Paul just scoffs. I listen in on Grace's thoughts, 'I was just wondering if he wanted a cookie. Did I do something wrong?'

She looks down sadly and as I try and reach for her the mutt, Jacob, leans down to her level. "Don't worry about Paul, kiddo. He's always like that. You know what? I'll take Paul's cookie and eat it myself." She gives him a small smile and hands him another cookie.

"We can't eat all of them Jakie. Daddy says I have to eat real food, but cookies are my favorite."

Jake grins at her and pats her head, "I like cookies too." She smiles and runs to me.

"Eddie! Me, you, and Jakie like cookies!" I glare at Jacob, but reply with a smile, "That's good. Why don't you go put the cookie jar on the table. I think you've ate enough cookies for today." She grumbles, "I only had 10 cookies Eddie," as she walks back to the kitchen.

Esme comes up to me and scolds me, "You let her have ten cookies!"

I grin and shake my head, "She probably had more. We saw her sneaking some when we weren't looking. Alice has the picture to prove it." Esme sighs and rubs her head, like she has a headache.

"I can't leave you kids by yourself anymore."

Emmett jumps up and comes to our defense, "Hey! Nothing went wrong! So what if she ate almost all of the cookies, we made her eat her sandwich first!" Esme groans, but smiles. I look back and see the wolves talking with Carlisle, but Jacob is at the door watching Grace, so I listen in on his thoughts.

'She's adorable. I can't believe something so cute is being raised by leaches. She needs something normal in her life. None of this is normal. It's only a matter of time before she notices that they don't eat. I really like this kid. She's so sweet. I wish Paul would've been nicer to the sweetheart.'

Ok, he did have some truth to it, but we're keeping her with us for as long as we can. "Eddie! I need a tiny bit help!" I hear her call from the kitchen. I smile and walk towards her earning a glare and a hard stare from Jacob and I whisper as I pass him, "Jealous much, mutt?" He growls and I go into the kitchen to see Grace.

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