Chapter 58

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I wake up with my arms curled around Willow who is snoring lightly. I smile slightly and sit up, holding back my whimper as my back tenses. I limp into the kitchen to see Emily mixing up muffin batter.

"Hey, Em." I say as I lean against the table and she turns to me with a smile.

"Good morning, Gracie Bug. I'm putting muffins in if you want to wait and eat some in a bit." I nod with a smile as she turns back around and continues. "Your family called."

Before I can respond, Willow starts barking like crazy, jumping off the couch and running into the living room. When she sees me, she gives me a happy 'yip' and jumps on my legs for me to pick her up.

I grab her and set her on my lap with a kiss on her head before turning to Emily. "What'd they say," I ask worriedly.

Emily smiles, "They asked how you were feeling and asked if you could come by sometime this evening."

I start petting Willow as I say, "What'd you tell them?"

Emily turns around and starts stirring her bowl again, but not before I can see the slight tilt of her lips upward.

"I told them that you were fine and I told them about the doctors orders. That you were on bed rest for a while or with minimal movement. I told them the doctor said to stay home and to not leave the house for a little bit."

I smile a bit as she puts the pan in and turns to me with a smile. "Thanks Emily."

Her smile turns into a smirk, "What? I didn't do anything. Doctors orders." I smile again while petting Willow softly.

"Did you really mean I can't leave the house?" Emily nods her head with a smile. "The boys have locked all the doors and windows and have forbidden me from opening them up for you to go out of."

I laugh, but the look on Emily's face makes my smile drop. "You're serious? Willow needs taking out though!"

She shakes her head, "I also forbid you from taking her out, as well as the boys. One of us will do it from now on."

I gasp, "But Emily!"

"No buts. If she catches a vampire's scent and takes off again, your not going to let her go and you'll get hurt. We're not letting that happen any more."

I hug Willow closer to me and say in my baby voice to her, "You won't run away again. You'll stay by Momma, won't you?" Willow barks and I grin at Emily with a look that says, "See." She rolls her eyes at me before taking out the muffins and gently tossing me a warm one.

"Eat up. You have medicine to take and resting to do." I groan slightly, "At least let me walk around the yard!"

"Nope," she says popping the 'p' at the end before shooting me a grin. "But I will let you choose the first Hallmark movie." I grin back and push myself off of the table before plopping down on the couch, cuddling Willow close to my chest.

A few minutes later, Emily brings my medicine, drinks, and snacks before turning on the television and we grin at each other before turning our attention to the front.

"Well, I'm going to get some laundry done and write a grocery list for the boys. Stay put," she says with a fake glare and I giggle with a nod.

When she goes upstairs, I slowly get off the couch and sit on my knees before inching my way towards the carpeted floor and laying down on my stomach. I set Willow in front of me and I play with her as she rolls around on the floor.

"Willow, go get your treats." I say after we play tug of war for a while. I might as well teach her some new tricks.

Willow runs into the kitchen when hearing the word treats, barking at the cabinet where her treats set at.

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