Chapter 18

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I rush out the door into the yard with the wolves and my family, except Esme and Alice, following. Me and Seth stand face to face. His face is saddened, but not guilty.

This makes me even more upset. "You better not. And I mean BETTER NOT take her away from me. You understand? You better not hurt her. If you do, I don't care about the treaty. I'll kill you."

Seth nods, "I won't hurt her Edward, and I'm not going to take her away. You saw it. I don't feel that way for her. She's all yours when it comes to that. I do want to take her to La Push. She has the right to go over there and be with us. She's part of the pack now."

"Like heck she'll go there. I'm not letting her near a bunch of mutts." I hiss at him. He growls until Carlisle steps in between us.

"Both of you stop. You both are acting insane. Edward, he has a right to see his imprint as you do your mate. You are both bound to Grace, but I refuse to let her leave this house, Sam." I look towards Sam and he nods.

"Seth has a right to bring his imprint over. It's not fair if he doesn't."

"I'm not letting her go alone. If you want her there, you'll have to have me come with her." I say and stare each one of them down, telling them to not try me.

"We'll figure that out later. Right now we solved a problem and created a new one. One, we can't take the girl away from you now. Both Seth and Edward have created a claim on her, so we can't break either bond. Now, why is Seth's imprint different than others?" Billy says.

"It could have something to do with the fact that she is also Edward's mate." Carlisle says with a thoughtful gaze.

"Can I spend time with her?" Seth asks me and I nod slightly. He grins and races towards the house. I shake my head and follow after him. I walk into the kitchen to see Grace and Seth eating cookies.

"Sethy! Dip the cookies in milk. It's good!"

"But Gracie!! It'll get all soggy! They aren't good soggy!"

"They are too! Let me see if Eddie wants some!" She says and runs out of the door. She passes me and runs into the living room. "Eddie! Come here!" She screams.

I laugh, "I'm in the kitchen Grace!" I hear her run in and I toss her into the air.

She giggles and cries, "Eddie!" I smile and stop tossing her. She wraps her arms around my neck.

"Let's sit by Sethy. He doesn't want to eat my cookie." She says with a pout. I smile slightly, "Well, if Seth doesn't want a cookie, then he doesn't have to eat one."

She looks at me sad, "Will you eat one, Eddie?" I sigh and walk towards the table. I sit her on top of the table and I sit across from Seth.

"Here, Eddie." She says and gives me a cookie coated with milk. Seth laughs and I glare at him.

'Can you even eat that?' Seth asks in his mind. I smile at Grace and take a small bite.

"Yumm. Thank you Grace. Let Seth try." She nods and gives another milk coated cookie to Seth.

"Eat it, Sethy!" She says with a giggle. Seth takes a tiny bite then makes a sour face.

"It's gross! It's all soggy!" Grace giggles and grabs another, but I stop her.

"How many cookies have you had?" She looks down sheepishly. I turn and look at Seth who's looking down also. Oh, no. They are going to get into some mischief.

"Esme. Grace has eaten way too many cookies, and Seth here didn't say a word about it." I say and throw Seth under the bus. Seth's head whips up and he glares at me.

"Grace. You aren't allowed to eat this many cookies. Seth, why didn't you stop her. She's going to have a stomach ache."

Seth looks down ashamed, "I'm sorry. She just loves cookies." I crack a smile and see Grace crawl across the table and sit in Seth's lap.

"Don't be sad Sethy. We'll sneak more later." I hear her whisper.

Seth laughs and whispers back, "I don't think so Gracie. You want to go watch a movie?" She nods, and I stand up and go to Esme.

"She needs to go to sleep, right Esme?" I say and look towards her.

'I know you don't want him here, but Grace seems happy. You want her happy, right?' I nod and Esme smiles, "I think it's ok if she stays up past her bedtime tonight."

Grace giggles and runs into the living room saying, "Come on Sethy!" I sigh as I watch Seth walk away with a giggling Grace. I feel Esme pat my back in a motherly fashion. "I know it's hard, dear, but she's still yours. Remember that." I nod and sigh, until I hear little feet running to where I am.

"Are you coming Eddie?" I turn and see Grace looking up at me with pleading eyes.

"Yes, Grace. I'm coming." She smiles and turns to go into the living room, but freezes.

"Can we ask everyone else to come watch a movie?"

I nod, "Let's go ask them." She giggles and runs up to me. I pick her up and she gives me a hug. "I love you Eddie."

I smile and hug her back, "I love you too Grace." With this, we head outside to see if the others want to join us in watching a movie.

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