The Winter Spider- Recovery

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Hi everyone! This is part two about Peter's recovery process. That's pretty much it, hope you like it!

       Peter woke up the next morning, not remembering where he was. Until the memories of last night hit him. He sighed and fell back onto the bed. He couldn't believe he had done that, bothered Bucky in the middle of the night because he couldn't sleep. Although he had to admit, it was nice. It was nice knowing there was someone who had similar experiences to help him. Bucky soon woke up next to him. 

      " Morning kid. Wanna go get breakfast?" Bucky asked, sitting up. Peter nodded and they walked out to the common room. No one really questioned why they both came out of the same room, but instead just greeted them.

      " How'd you guys sleep?" Clint asked conversationally. 

      " I slept pretty alright," Peter answered. Bucky agreed, stating he had done the same. The pair sat down and started eating. As they ate, the team chatted and joked. Tony chugged a mug of coffee while Steve glared disapprovingly. 

      " You were up all night in the lab again, weren't you?" Steve asked sarcastically. Tony only nodded, going for another cup of coffee. Steve shook his head while everyone else laughed, unsurprised. Peter however, was confused. Bucky noticed his confusion and clarified it for him. 

    " Tony has no sense of self preservation so instead he stays up for days at a time working in his lab," Bucky said, still mildly chuckling. Peter scoffed and laughed. Now the Avengers were confused. 

    " Only days? Working on several projects?" Peter asked incredulously. Tony nodded, uncertain. Peter let out a bark of laughter.

   " Bitch please! I've been up for several weeks at a time perfecting a single weapon, testing it over and over again until it couldn't operate better!" Peter laughed. The Avengers stared, mildly scared of the kid. Anyone who could do that was someone to be wary of. 

   " Well okay then," Tony said after a moment. Bucky clapped Peter on the back, proud that the kid could leave Tony pretty much without words. 

  " Hey Peter, wanna go out with me? I was gonna run some errands and go shopping if you want to come with," Bucky asked. Peter shrugged. 

   " Yeah, I guess. It'll be nice to see all this and be able to appreciate it," Peter said. Bucky nodded and put away his dishes, taking Peter's with him. 

    They both headed to their separate rooms to change. After a moment Peter chose a hoodie and joggers, whilst Bucky dressed in a t-shirt, a jacket, and jeans. They headed out of the tower together. 

     " Okay, don't kill me, but I didn't actually have to run errands. I wanted to take you somewhere without having the team know," Bucky said once they were outside. Peter just shrugged.

     " Where to then?" Peter asked. 

     " We're going to the Dollar Store to their magnet section," Bucky grinned. Peter was confused.

    " What's the Dollar Store?" Peter asked. Bucky almost face-palmed.

   " Geez kid, I forgot that you didn't know anything about the world, really. The Dollar Store is a place where any one product costs just a dollar, so it's really cheap," Bucky explained. Peter's face of confusion passed and he soon had a little bounce in his step, excited to go someplace. Bucky watched him, smiling. He really was a little kid. 

---time skip brought to you by Terry, whom we love very much---

    The two got to the store and walked in, immediately going to the magnet section. Bucky knew where to go. He'd been here a lot before. 

Peter Parker One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora