Hoist The Colours (version 1)

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Hi everyone! So this is going to be kind of a song fic but not really. This is going to be version one, the other version I'm not gonna tell you about cuz it's a surprise >:) This takes place during the final battle against Thanos in Endgame. Hope you enjoy! 

Here they were. The army that was to fight against the Mad Titan in a war for the universe. For every world, every race, every society, and everything that has been known and built since the beginning of Time. The Avengers, the Wakandans, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and others that fought under no name. They were all here to war against Thanos, the Mad Titan, and his army of Chitauri.

Everyone had come through the portals of Dr. Strange, and it was a standoff, both sides waiting for the first move. Peter sung quietly, a song he remembered from his childhood when his mother would tell him stories of pirates. 

The king and his men 

stole the queen from her bed

The Guardians joined in, and they were a small group singing, barely able to be heard. 

And bound her in her bones

The seas be ours 

And by the powers

The song caught on, and soon, the entire army was singing. The words were hauntingly clear, and the opposing army was getting uneasy. In any other situation, it would've been funny that the banished Mad Titan was made uneasy by an army singing. 

Where we will

We'll roam

As the chorus hit, banners were raised, clear as day. The flag of Wakanda, the Avengers 'A', and a beacon of light held steady, emitting from Starlord's blaster. 

Yo, ho, all together

Hoist the colours high

The banners were raised high, and the army started marching. Not charging, but merely marching to the beat of the song. It echoed for miles around. 

Heave, ho, thieves and beggars

Never shall we die

The song ended with those final, chilling words, and the voices echoed everywhere. The armies clashed, and the war for the worlds began with brutal bloodshed. 


The battle was coming to an end. Some of the more powerful fighters were surrounding Thanos, fighting him, desperately clawing at his gauntlet. Until they got an idea. Quickly, and before Thanos could notice, six individuals snatched a stone off the gauntlet, leaving Thanos without his power. Quickly, they formed a circle, and those without a stone supported those who did wield one, taking a portion of the immeasurable, painful power.

" You tried your best, and it still was not enough. Even now, when I am pulled out of my time and fast-forwarded to a place I do not know, a time I thought I never would see, you still cannot beat me. I am inevitable," Thanos smirked, and snapped his fingers. A dull metal clunk sounded. Nothing happened. 

" No, we gave it our all. And that is so much more than you could ever expect. What did you think would happen when you fight powerful individuals after taking away their loved ones?" Nebula snapped back. Thanos took the time to take in the scene in front of him. 

A semi circle had been formed around him, and six individuals wielded the stones he had worked so hard to obtain. Thor, with the Space stone for Loki, with Steve and Bucky supporting him on either side. Quill, with the Power stone, as it was the first one he'd ever used. Rocket and Drax on either side supporting him. Peter, with the Reality stone, since there was so much about reality he wished he could change. Rhodey and Tony supporting him, helping wield the power. Wanda, with the Mind stone, for Vision. Groot and Clint supporting her. Dr. Strange with the Time stone, since he was the Sorcerer Supreme. He had no one supporting him, since he was used to this power, but he helped bear the weight of the power from the other stones as well. 

And Nebula. She bore the power of the Soul stone, for her beloved sister, Gamora. The one she had never gotten to spend much time with where they didn't hate each other. There was so much she wished she could take back or do over again. But she couldn't. This was the next best thing. Nebula kept brutal eye contact with Thanos, who knew why, and what he'd done. She had Drax and Mantis supporting her. Mantis also helped bear some of Nebula's emotional pain. They both silently cried. 

As a final message, in case they died doing this, this small team spoke their potentially last words.

" Thieves and beggars. Never shall we die." 

There was a simultaneous snap from everyone who wielded a stone, and a bright white light filled the space. 

And everyone, and everything was back. 

Never shall we die


Hey guys! So that was kind of short, but I got an idea for it and I really wanted to write it, so here you go I guess? lol Hope you enjoyed! As always, feel free to leave a comment or question, but no pressure!

Stay bootiful my doods!

-Ghostie & Terry

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