Crashing At Peter's Place

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Hi everyone! This was requested by @stucky_fandom! This takes place during/after the finale of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, so if you haven't watched that I suggest not reading this. Hope you enjoy it! Also thanks for  10.9K reads! :)

" So where do we go?" Bucky asked. He and Sam were chilling in the middle of a park, sitting on a bench, in the middle of the night, still in their suits. They needed a place to go. 

" I don't know man. I don't think I can go home just yet," Sam said with a sigh. Bucky nodded, agreeing. Bucky let out a yawn, and Sam followed suit. 

" Well we need to find a place soon," Sam admitted. Bucky perked up. 

" Hey, remember that kid, fighting on Tony's side, at the airport? Peter Parker was his name, right?" Bucky asked. Sam shrugged. 

" Annoying guy that webbed us to the floor?" Sam checked. Bucky nodded. 

" Yeah, what about him?" Sam asked. Bucky shrugged. 

" How about we see if we can crash at his place?" Bucky asked. Sam looked at him with an 'are you serious right now' and spoke up. 

" You're suggesting that we find a guy that we fought, what, a couple years ago now? And crash at his place because we don't want to go home?" Sam asked disbelievingly. Bucky nodded. Sam sighed. 

" I don't have a better idea, let's go," Sam said, standing up. He pulled Bucky to his feet and they started walking. (i dont remember where the last battle of tfatws took place so we're pretending it was nyc lol) 

---Terry says hi---

The pair eventually came up to an apartment building in Queens. Sam was giving Bucky the side eye. Eventually Bucky caught it. 

" What?" He asked. 

" How do you know this guy's address? And how do you know he won't attack us the instant he sees us?" Sam asked him. Bucky let out another yawn. 

" He and I hung out while we were in the Soul Stone. He told me his address and that if I ever needed anything to come find him," Bucky explained. Sam nodded. The pair walked into the building, and Bucky took them up the stairs.

They went all the way to the top, and then up another half flight of stairs to a huge penthouse. Bucky knocked on the door. The door opened, revealing a teenager with heavy bags, bloodshot eyes, looking like a skeleton, and wearing hello kitty pajama pants and an 'I didn't survive my first trip to space' shirt. Probably personalized. But the kid was grinning when he saw them. 

" Hi Mr. Barnes! And Mr. Wilson, it's good to see you! The suit looks good on you!" Peter greeted. Bucky walked right in, and Sam followed suit. Sam did a double take when he saw the penthouse. 

There was an entire wall that was just glass, with a sliding door leading to a balcony. The walls were all white, but covered in posters and paintings. But not the painting you hang, no the walls were literally painted in small designs. The couch was clean and full of pillows, with a throw blanket sporting some game logo on top of it. There was a kitchen with a bar and a couple stools, and the pantry looked full. There was a short hallway to the left, where Sam assumed the bathroom and bedrooms were. 

" This is a pretty nice place. Where's your guardian?" Sam asked. Peter winced at the mention of a guardian. 

" I um, I live alone. My parents died when I was five, my uncle died when I was fourteen, and my aunt died during the five year time period that I was snapped, trapped in the Soul Stone. Tony had looked out for me for a while, but then he died too. But I've got a good paying job, so I'm able to afford this place, and all the extras too," Peter explained. Sam nodded solemnly. 

" So how come you guys are here?" Peter asked, grabbing some drinks and snacks. Bucky spoke up. 

" We didn't really feel like going home. Figured I'd call you up on the whole 'if you ever need me' thing," Bucky explained. Peter nodded and grinned. 

" Well it's nice having visitors for once. Want any snacks? Drinks?" Peter offered. 

" What do you have?" Bucky asked. Peter looked through his pantry. 

" Um, I've got lemonade, orange juice, milk, varying sodas, chips, crackers, cookies, and pastries. I could make sandwiches," Peter said. Sam thought. 

" You got Dr. Pepper?" Sam asked. Peter nodded. 

" Dr. Pepper and chips if you don't mind," Sam said. Peter grinned and got out the requested snacks. 

" How about you Mr. Barnes?" Peter asked. Sam quietly snickered at Bucky being called Mr. Barnes, but not in a whole professional way, just the kid being respectful. But then he remembered that he'd been addressed as Mr. Wilson. He would have to change that. 

" Lemonade and cookies," Bucky answered immediately. Peter gave him the same grin and got out the snacks. Sam noticed that he didn't grab anything for himself. 

" Here you guys go," Peter said, handing the two men their snacks. He put on a movie, and the three relaxed for a while. 


Hours later, they all tired and about to fall asleep. Peter yawned, and the two men followed suit. 

" If you guys want to, there are some extra bedrooms. One is the second door on your left, the other is the second door on the right if you go down that hall," Peter pointed. Bucky and Sam nodded and started towards the bedrooms. Peter slept on the couch. But he didn't fall asleep immediately. 

Peter stood and went to a small electronic device that was sitting on a table. Peter switched on the recording. He rubbed his face with his eyes. 

" Hey Mr. Stark. So it is currently-" Peter squinted at a clock and sighed. 

"-Jesus Christ it's two in the morning, right now. Mr. Barnes and Mr. Wilson stopped over tonight. They said they didn't want to go home quite yet, so they crashed here for the night. They're sleeping in the two spare rooms I've got. Not much else happened today. It's pretty much all the same. I still miss you, a lot Mr. Stark. I'm uh, I'm gonna try and get some sleep. Bye Mr. Stark," Peter said sadly. He turned off the recording and added the video to his video diary file. 

Peter flopped onto the couch and curled in on himself, covered in a blanket. He fell asleep. 

---Different P.O.V---

Bucky couldn't sleep. He was still too geared up, ready for anything to come at him. With a sigh, he got up from the bed and was going to go get a glass of water. He paused when he was in the hallway. He heard a voice. 

"-Bye Mr. Stark," was all Bucky could make out. He waited until Peter was for sure asleep before investigating. 

Bucky finally moved from where he was pressed against the wall and went to the table, where a small recorder was sitting. He picked it up and looked around on it, eventually finding the rest of the videos. There were hundreds. One for every single day since Tony Stark's death. Bucky watched them. He watched them all. 

There were some really dark and sad ones, where Peter had clearly been crying. But then there were some videos where he was really excited; something good had happened. But there were two things that were constant throughout the videos. One, it was always some time between eleven at night and four in the morning. And two, Peter always, always, make sure to remind the camera that he missed Tony. 

Bucky sighed heavily and set the recorder down. He took a good long look at the sleeping boy that was on the couch, then returned to his own bed, allowing sleep to take him. 

After that day, Peter definitely got a lot more visits from the two. 

Hey guys! So that was pretty much it, I hope you liked it! Feel free to leave a question or a comment, but no pressure!

Stay bootiful my doods!

-Ghostie & Terry

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