Still Breathing (songfic)

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Hi everyone! So this is going to be another songfic. I know, yes another one, so sorry :3 I really like writing these, I was surprised to find how fun they were :) So anyway, this is pretty much one of if not my favorite songs, so I wanted to do something with it. It's not necessarily going to be a story written around the song, it's more of going to be a one shot with the song in it, I guess? If that makes sense, idk. 

In this, Peter is Spider-Man, the Avengers know it, but not Ned or MJ, Peter lives at the tower, May's dead (again, sorry May :/) and he secretly enjoys singing to himself and uses it to let out frustration and stuff. Idk, I'm a band kid we usually just throw our instruments when we're mad, so I dunno if you can sing to let out frustration? Is that a thing? If it is I'd love to know lol anyways les goooooo 

Peter was sitting in his room, playing his guitar, singing. He didn't have anything else to do, so out of habit he'd picked up his guitar. It was one that Tony had given him as a gift, and Peter played it almost every day. 

Long ago he'd memorized the notes, tune, and lyrics to one of his favorite songs by Green Day. He really loved it, and he felt he could relate to it a lot. Softly and gently, Peter started singing. 

As Peter lost himself in his own little bubble, Clint was climbing around in the vents when he'd heard someone singing. They were really good, and were clearly playing guitar as well, and it blended amazingly together. Clint smirked and found the source. He was surprised to find Peter as the source. But he pulled out his phone and started recording.

" I can't believe he hasn't found me yet," Clint muttered to the camera. Clint filmed as Peter accidently messed up and decided to start over. This was a treat for Clint; he hadn't heard the beginning.

Clint listening, somewhat awed as Peter sang. He'd never known that Peter was so good. Clint stopped recording. He posted the video on his account, tagging the team and Peter in it. He knew Peter was going to be mad at him. But oh well. 


The next morning, Peter woke up and his phone had blown up. Just kaboosh. Exploded. He checked it and found that Clint had tagged him in a post. Interested, Peter took a look at it and dropped his phone out of shock. Clint had found him singing and had recorded it then posted it on his account. He'd have to deal with it later, he had to get ready for school. 

" I'll see you after school Mr. Stark! You too Mr. Barnes! And Clint, I'll kill you at dinner, I swear to god!" Peter shouted out the door. He could almost hear Clint gulping. He did that a lot. 


When Peter got to school, he was bombarded by other students he didn't even know. Finally, his friends found him and teased him about it.

" Guess who turned superstar overnight!" Ned said in a sing-songy voice. Peter just scowled good-naturedly.

" Seriously though dude, since when could you sing so well?" Ned asked him. Peter shrugged.

" I just sing, I guess," Peter said. Ned just shrugged, as did MJ. 

" You've got a good voice loser," MJ complimented. Peter just grinned. As embarrassed as he was that a video of him singing had gotten out, it was kind of nice to get all the positive attention. 


Peter was relaxing in the music hallway for his free period when the choir director came out and found him. She looked around a little bit, saw him, smiled, and hurried over. Peter sat up a little straighter, not wanting to be caught slouching against the wall. 

" Peter! There you are, I've been wanting to talk to you," Mrs. Lierson said cheerfully. Peter looked confused.

" What did you need to talk about?" He asked nervously. She was practically bouncing with excitement. 

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