HYDRA's Tenth Head

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Hi everyone! So I realized I hadn't done anything with HYDRA lately, so I decided to write something involving them and their heinous crimes :D Also someone in my family got Covid so I'm quarantined and sad so I'm writing :) Also thanks so much for 7.6K reads! It really does mean a lot :)

Also shoutout to @IrisKnights17 for being fucking amazing!! I really appreciate all the votes and comments, it absolutely made my day :D (i was having a really shitty one) 

This one shot is going to be around WWII, when HYDRA still had the Tesseract. They're gonna do some experimenting on a stolen teenager, a.k.a Peter. That's all I'm going to explain for now, les goooo

Captain America was sitting in a room, laying on his back, thinking. He'd just returned home after another mission destroying a HYDRA base. But it had been nearly impossible and he'd almost lost his team. There had been a mere teenager protecting the base, somehow wielding the same power that powered HYDRA's newer weapons. Steve also could've sworn he'd seen the teenager crawling a wall at one point, but he swore that was impossible. But what unnerved him the most was that he knew he'd seen fear and regret in the teen's expression at one point. It had been a very difficult mission. 

---Different P.O.V---

TE-00 sat in a cell, his head in his hands. Subconsciously, his finger started tracing the innumerable tattoos, scars, and brands he had on his arms. He ran a hand through his unruly, dark hair and sighed. He'd failed. He was supposed to protect the base, but Captain America had destroyed it nonetheless, and he'd been punished for it. Another burn, that was all, which was a kinder punishment than any others. The agents had understood that it was against Captain America, and it was a miracle that he'd even been able to get everyone out alive. 

TE-00 scratched at his new wound, then winced in pain. 

" Maybe don't itch it and it won't hurt anymore,"  his cellmate scoffed. TE-00 ignored him, as he was taught to do. 


The war was over. HYDRA was felled, their scientists dead or captured, never to hurt anyone or experiment ever again. They lived their lives out in prison. HYDRA was dead. The Nine Heads, the nine leaders of HYDRA, were gone. But there was a tenth head. He didn't control anything, no. He had no leadership role, he was nothing but a soldier. But he was the experiment. The Spider. The One of the Tesseract. The God. No matter what the others called him, he was a soldier and a soldier only. Until he became the tenth and last head of HYDRA. 


" I've called you all here because S.H.I.E.L.D has run into a little problem. Or more like found one," Fury said. The Avengers, including Bucky and Wanda, were gathered around a meeting table with Fury at the head, talking their ears off. 

" We discovered files on someone who is only known as the 'Tenth Head.' Then we found another file calling the same man 'The Experiment.' And then we found his number. TE-00. There was a treasure trove of information on him found in an old, destroyed HYDRA base in Austria. The one that had first produced weapons and tech from the Tesseract," Fury continued. Steve's ears perked up. He remembered that base as the one he'd seen the creepy, fearful teen defending it. That had been years ago. 

" It says that he was an experiment. They took a teenage boy and hooked him up to some shit and was gifted powers from the Tesseract. It says the known powers he has are to teleport, and use an icy, cold, sparkling energy similar to Miss Maximoff's abilities granted to her by the Mind Stone," Fury said. There was a sharp inhale from everyone. The kid was an experiment. 

" But that wasn't all that was experimented on him. It says that HYDRA wanted to test what happened when they let loose a starved, radioactive spider into a room of people. This teen was its prey, and was bitten. The radioactive spider died shortly after, but the teen was given spider like abilities and strength. So he's very enhanced," Fury finished. Tony was confused. 

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