Agent Parker Steps In

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Hi everyone! So this one was requested by @mmcwhorter! Sorry that it's taken me so long to get to this one, but I hope you enjoy it! With no further pause, let's get into it! :)

Peter was sitting in the middle of history, taking notes to prepare for his upcoming test. And was also dying on the inside because lets be honest, no one likes tests. He was also a huge bundle of nerves. There had been a recent strife with the Avengers and the Accords. Director Fury had told him to always be on stand-by and ready to go at a moment's notice in case the two teams, Team Iron and Team Cap, did something stupid. He was nervous he was going to get called in soon. It was any day now, honestly. 

His phone rang. His fucking phone rang. It wasn't supposed to do that unless... oh god. Director Fury was calling. Peter's teacher glared at the pale, nervous boy. 

" Peter, you know the rule. Answer it, on speaker," the teacher rolled his eyes. Peter nodded and quickly answered. He was not one to have Fury wait. Everyone knew the consequences of that. 

" Agent Parker, the worst has happened, as we've been suspecting. Team Iron and Team Cap have both arrived at an airport in Berlin. Team Iron is trying to intercept Team Cap on their way to somewhere, we have yet to confirm their destination, but we need you there as soon as possible," Director Fury announced as soon as the phone had been picked up. But there was something off about his tone. Fury sounded... desperate? Oh god this was bad. 

" Copy that. Do I need Sylvia?" Peter asked, terrified of the answer. If they needed Sylvia, things were looking desperate. 

" Yes. Suit up completely. You will need everything. Detain them and bring them to Wakanda to talk it out. Princess Shuri has an indestructible, soundproofed bunker for you to bring them to to talk it out. Do anything and everything needed except killing them. They look like they're about to kill each other," Fury commanded. Peter nodded and copied, but then paled further. 

" Wait, did you say Berlin?!" Peter near-shrieked. Fury sighed. 

" Yes, you know what you have to do," Fury said, resigned. Peter nodded. He ended the call and stood up. 

" Sir, I have to go, it is a matter of life and death for very important people," Peter stated. There was no hesitation, no room for debate. Peter walked out of the classroom, and double tapped an earpiece that rested on his ear. His battle suit shot out of it, completely enveloping his body. Nanotech was the good shit. And helpful. 

Peter chucked his backpack onto the roof, he'd be able to get it later. He pulled out and enlarged his weapons, as well as Sylvia. Sylvia was what he and Director Fury were calling the shot that would be able to put everyone on the team to sleep with a single injection. Peter sighed and pulled out the teleporter. It was still iffy, and there was a 20% chance he was going to end up in China or someplace. But it was getting better, and hopefully that wouldn't happen. 

He quickly teleported to the airport, bracing himself for the worst. 

---Terry says hi---

Peter teleported right in the middle of the battle, right where the two sides were about to collide. They had been charging at each other, ready to attack, when Peter teleported in between them. He made sure his mask was up before answering questions. He took a deep breath, calming himself, before adopting the cool, collected, and stern persona that was Agent Parker. 

" What the hell?! Who are you?!" Hawkeye demanded. Peter calmly put away the teleporter and looked the team leaders in the eye. Both of them shuddered at the gaze. 

" I am Agent Parker, an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. I was sent here to prevent this fight. You will end up killing each other if you engage each other. We need to talk this out in a safe place where no one will be hurt. Here, if you engage in a fight, not only will you destroy each other, you will cause millions, if not billions of dollars of damage if you fight at this airport," Peter said loudly. Immediately, those who weren't as involved in this dispute backed off. Meaning Vision, Wanda, Hawkeye, Natasha, Scott, Sam Wilson, and Colonel Rhodes. They all backed down and rested, relieved they weren't going to fight. They all grouped up and started checking up on each other. They weren't necessarily the ones who wanting to fight. 

However, Steve, Bucky, Stark, and King T'Challa didn't back down. Steve and Stark didn't back down because they were the most at each other's throats, angry and pissed at each other. T'Challa didn't back down because he still believed that Bucky was the one responsible for his father's death. Bucky didn't back down because he was going to support Steve in this fight. Peter sighed and made sure he was directly between the two fighting teams. 

" Please, you four, we need to talk this out. This will only end in bloodshed. You cannot nearly kill each other simply because of a disagreement over the Accords," Peter pleaded. The King of Wakanda reluctantly backed down and pulled back his helmet. Peter nodded his thanks and turned to Stark, who reluctantly backed down as well. Seeing this, Steve and Bucky immediately stood down. 

" Thank you. I will transport us all to a safe bunker where we can talk everything out. King T'Challa, with your permission, our destination is Wakanda. Princess Shuri offered her bunker for this use, but since you are the king, I ask for your permission to enter Wakanda," Peter asked with a bow of his head. T'Challa nodded.

" Of course. Thank you for your intervention, I am thankful there was no bloodshed," T'Challa said. Peter offered a small smile. He teleported the large group to the bunker. 

---Terry says hi---

The group arrived at the bunker and quickly arranged themselves into a circle. Peter sat at the head of it, and quickly got it started. He first addressed King T'Challa's problem with Bucky. He offered evidence and proof that Bucky is not guilty for the king's father's death. In the end, it was resolved.

The whole Accords deal was a lot trickier, but Peter helped them through it. In the end, it was decided that they would go to those who had drafted the Accords and press for adjustments to what they think would work. There were questions on whether or not the world leaders would be willing to change it, but Peter quickly quelled those concerns. He had his ways, he assured them. 

" Okay, now that we have all of that out of the way, who are you? I mean really. Like, we know nothing about you," Hawkeye protested. Peter chuckled. He quickly sent a message to Fury asking if it was okay to reveal himself to the Avengers. Fury confirmed it was good, as long as they swore themselves to secrecy. 

" You have to promise that you will not reveal my identity to anyone, or Fury will have your heads. And then mine," Peter said. The Avengers, and the king, all agreed. Peter pulled off his mask, and instantly, there were swarms of questions. 

" Dude how old are you?! You're like, a teenager what the hell?" Hawkeye demanded. Peter laughed.

" I'm 16, still in highschool," Peter laughed. He soon answered all their questions, exchanged numbers, and was apparently added to a group chat. He was going to regret that soon. The Avengers, he learned, were chaotic.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed that! The ending was a bit rushed, so sorry about that, I didn't really know how to write that very well :/ Anyway, as always, feel free to leave a question if you want to learn more about me, or leave a comment, but as always, no pressure!

Stay bootiful my doods!

-Ghostie & Terry

Peter Parker One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें