Movie Marathon (5+1)

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Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in a bit, I don't know what to do for the five :( thanks for 5K reads though! It really means a lot! :D Second 5+1 ! 

Peter, Ned, and MJ were all hanging out at MJ's house. The Avengers were on a mission that Peter didn't need to go on, so he was hanging out with his friends. Ned just wanted to hang out. 

" So what do we do?" Ned asked. They'd been laying around for an hour by now with nothing to do. Peter had actually half fallen asleep. MJ threw a book at his head. 

" Ow! MJ what the hell?" Peter asked, rubbing his head. MJ just shrugged. MJ looked at the time. 

" How about we do a movie marathon?" She suggested. Peter and Ned shrugged.

" Sounds fun. What do we marathon?" Peter asked. 

" I don't know," MJ admitted. Ned shot his hand up and started waving it around.

" Ned we're not in school, you don't need to raise your hand," MJ said, lightly punching his arm.

" How about  Star Wars?" Ned said excitedly. MJ shrugged. Peter whooped. 

" Star Wars it is!" Peter shouted. He bolted into the living room and started setting things up. He knew MJ had gotten all the Star Wars movies after befriending him and Ned, since she knew they were both Star Wars geeks. 

" Wait wait wait, we can't have a movie marathon without food," Ned said. 

" I'll order the pizza, Ned and Peter, you guys go down to the store and get chips and soda," MJ ordered. Ned and Peter stood straight and saluted her. 

" Yes ma'am," they said simultaneously. They dropped the salute and bolted out the door, snickering. Not even five seconds later Peter was back. 

" Forgot my wallet," Peter said. He snatched it off the counter and rejoined Ned. MJ rolled her eyes and ordered the pizza. She got two cheese and two pepperoni pizzas. She only hoped that Ned and Peter would be able to by the proper amount of chips and soda. 

Ned and Peter went into the store and went straight for the chips.

" Okay what do we get?" Peter asked, feeling a bit lost. Ned shrugged. Peter started pulling bags off the shelf.

" Okay, regular for sure," Peter said. 

" Oh, barbeque chips too!" Ned said. Peter nodded and grabbed those. 

" Doritos, can't live without 'em," Peter said, pulling a bag of doritos off the shelf. 

" Oh! And the bugle chips, you know, the weird cone shaped ones," Ned said excitedly. Peter grinned and grabbed those. 

" Okay you carry the chips," Peter said, dumping the bags into Ned's arms. Four bags of chips. For three people. Great. 

" Okay, now what do we do about soda?" Ned asked as they wandered into the soda aisle. Peter shrugged. 

" Sprite?" Ned suggested. Peter nodded and pulled down a two liter. 

" Can't forget rootbeer," Peter said, grabbing another two liter. 

" Oh oh oh! Um, Pepsi?" Ned piped up. Peter shrugged and grabbed one. 

" Oh and Mountain Dew," Ned said. Peter made a look of disgust. 

" MJ likes it. If we don't get it, she'll kill us," Ned warned. Peter sighed and grabbed a two liter. 

" Wait, we need ice cream," Peter said, rushing to the freezer.

" Why?" Ned asked. Peter looked at him like he was stupid. 

" Rootbeer floats!" Peter exclaimed, pulling out a carton of ice cream. 

" Okay then don't forget the whipped cream," Ned sighed. Peter nodded and grabbed three bottles of the stuff. Peter handed the whipped cream to Ned as well, leaving the four two-liter bottles of soda and the carton of ice cream for himself to carry. Ned just looked awed. 

" Dude, how do you carry all of that?" Ned asked. 

" Dude, I'm Spider-Man. How wouldn't I carry it?" Peter asked, snickering. Ned shrugged.

" Fair," Ned said. They started heading to the cash register to pay. The cashier gave them a smile. 

" You guys having a party?" She asked kindly. 

" No, we're having a movie marathon. Our friend is ordering pizza," Peter said cheerfully. He got out his wallet. 

" Oh sweet! Looks like MJ gave me a fifty to pay for this stuff," Peter said. Ned grinned. The cashier scanned the stuff. 

" That's forty eight ninety five," she said. Peter handed her the fifty. She gave him his change, and Ned and Peter started walking out. 

They went into an alley and made sure they were out of sight. Peter webbed up the chips together and handed it to Ned, making a little handle on it. Peter then webbed the soda together and started carrying that. 

" Alright let's go!" Peter said cheerfully. Ned and Peter headed back to MJ's apartment. 

When they got there, MJ greeted them. 

" Hey losers, you got the goods?" MJ asked. Peter nodded. Ned dropped the chips onto the couch. Peter set the bottles and the ice cream and the whipped cream onto the counter.

" We got ice cream and whipped cream since we got rootbeer so that we could make rootbeer floats," Peter said. MJ whooped.

" Good idea!" She said. Peter pulled out the change that he'd gotten from paying with the fifty. 

" Oh, here's your change," Peter said. MJ thanked him and took it. 

" Wait, how'd you know I put the fifty in there?" MJ asked. Peter snorted. 

" You know me. Do you honestly think I'd be able to just have fifty bucks lying around to spend on whatever I want?" Peter asked her sarcastically. MJ chuckled. 

" You live with the fucking Avengers, how would you not?" MJ retorted. Peter burst out laughing. 

" Do you think I'd let them give me money? Or let Mr. Stark pay me for being his intern? Nah," Peter said, sobering up. MJ just shrugged. The doorbell rang. 

" Pizza's here!" MJ said. She opened the door and paid the delivery guy. She took the pizza and put it on the counter. The three raided the boxes and the chips. They poured themselves their soda and fired up the movie. 


After several hours, it was three in the morning and everyone was asleep. The pizza boxes were scattered on the floor and the coffee table, an empty Mountain Dew bottle resting by Ned's head after MJ had thrown it at him, and empty plastic cups that had been used for rootbeer floats were lying around. The cleaned ice cream carton was lying pitifully on the floor after MJ had tried hitting Peter, who'd been on the ceiling, with it. There were chips scattered across the floor and on the couch, as well as two of the bags. Ned still had a bugle chip on his finger from when he'd been messing around with them.

MJ was stretched out on the couch, her feet kicked up on the arm rest. Ned was on the floor, snoring like there was no tomorrow. Peter was sleeping on the ceiling, being the spider child he was. 

In the morning, the three woke up groggily and took a good look around at the mess. 

" How about we take care of this later?" MJ suggested. Ned and Peter nodded, agreeing. They fell back asleep. 

Hey guys! So that was pretty much it! Hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to leave a question or a comment below, but no pressure! 

Stay bootiful my doods

-Ghostie & Terry

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