Happy Pride Month!!

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Hi everyone! So, I'm not coming back quite yet, but I wanted to post this because today is the first day of Pride Month! And I also wanted to post this as a reminder to everyone out there who's queer and reading this. 

You guys are valid, no matter what anyone says. Who you are and who you love does not determine your worth, and you guys are absofuckinglutely amazing. You are special, you are important, and you are valid. 

I hope you guys have an amazing Pride Month and always remember that you are valid, and that you are special.

I'm always here for you guys too! I know I'm a random stranger that just writes random shit on the internet, but I am here for you guys if you don't have anyone else to talk to. We love you, you special little beans :)

Stay heckin bootiful my doods!

-Ghostie & Terry

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