Fallen Angel

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Hi everyone! So this isn't going to be a Peter Parker one shot, but it's still going to be just this. I wanted to write something like this and post it, so I figured here would be best. Feel free to skip it if you're here just for the Peter Parker content, which is most likely all of you lol but I just wanted to write this! Hope you enjoy!


It was a terribly dark and stormy night. The rain poured down like bullets, harsh on the skin. There were loud, unending claps of thunder, and you could hear the terrified dogs barking and the scared children crying. The lightning, the pure energy, that struck the ground, was so bright and constant that it illuminated the rooms of those who slept, if there were any who could rest during the nightmarish storm.

When a particularly loud snap of thunder sounded, and when a particularly bright bolt of lightning struck, a falling figure could be seen. They fell back first, arms uselessly held out in front of their body, and what looked like wings wrapping desperately around their body. A loud, desperate cry was heard, before a sickening crunch was heard, and it was over. The thunder temporarily relaxed and became rumbles, and the lightning was less bright, less painful on the eyes. And the falling figure had landed. But no one had seen them. Any sensible soul was inside, taking cover from the raging storm that awaited any who stood out doors.

---different P.O.V--- 

I was falling. Falling fast. My mind was still reeling with the words that I had last heard: You are banished. Be gone, and fall. 

Those were the words that echoed through my mind as I fell to the ground. But I couldn't help but feel angry. I was cast out simply because I had the ability to heal, as all the others did, but also the ability to suck out the soul, the life force, of anyone I choose. I was seen as a sinner, a demon, some called me the devil. Others called me a reaper, a stealer of souls. And now I was falling, my wings tangled around me and the ground rushing up faster and faster to meet me, to take me and offer me to death's cold embrace. 

I could feel a change in my wings, and saw it too as they flapped around me. My wings were naturally a pearly white, with golden tips. But now, spreading like an infection, my wings slowly turned black, with silver tips. I didn't understand what was happening, and I hated it. Why the hell were my wings changing?! 

Finally, I hit the ground. I landed on my back, and I actually bounced a little. It didn't feel good. My arms and legs were completely scratched up, and I could feel blood trickling into my eye. I'm also pretty sure my leg was broken. And maybe my arm too, I wasn't sure. But I was alive, which was what counted. And my wings were intact, which was a lot more than I could've hoped for. But they were fully changed now, which was something I'd have to figure out later. For now, I stood.

Limping and wiping away blood, holding my stomach gingerly, I walked away from where I had fallen, where my blood stained the cement. As I walked I realized something pretty important. I had been outcast. Which meant one thing. I was a fallen angel. 

---two years later---

It's been two years. I've been out on the streets the entire time, scavenging for food and trying to survive. I'm sixteen now, which was something I could never imagine. I also looked out for a lot of homeless children and teenagers. They see me as their guardian and their protector, which I have to admit, I really am. I steal food, water, and medicine for these guys. I also heal them all the time. And I will admit, I did kill a good couple of times to protect myself and the others. They started calling me Fallen Angel, which I was I guess, I just never though of it as a name. But what can I say, it was the younger ones that came up with it, I can't deny them their childish antics. They need to be able to be kids for as long as they can, before they have to grow up. 

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