Who's The Kid?

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Surprise mother truckers! I got another ideaaa!!! Also, thanks for 1.3K+ :)

So, this is set after Endgame, except Natasha's alive. Tony's still dead, sorry my doods. All the Avengers are staying in the Compound. No one knows who Peter is, just that he was connected to Tony somehow. They hadn't seen Spider-Man since the whole final showdown. It's been three days since everything went down, and people are still grieving somewhat. Mostly everyone has gotten over the fact he'd dead, just dealing with his loss. Steve doesn't return the stones. I know it was necessary, but just for now he doesnt hope you enjoy!

Three in the morning, Natasha couldn't sleep. She'd been woken up by someone screaming, but it had just been a dream. But she still couldn't shake it off, so she went to get a drink of water from the kitchen. 

She headed down the stairs, and when she reached the bottom of it, she saw an unfamiliar figure standing at the island. He was hunched over, hood pulled over his face, toying with a can of soda, occasionally sipping from it. Natasha pulled out a knife in case he was a threat.

" Who are you and what are you doing here?!" She demanded. The person-who Natasha could see now was just a kid-whipped around. His eyes were puffy and red from crying, tear tracks staining his face. 

" O-oh, s-sorry, I'll be on m-my way," the boy stuttered out, no doubt startled and in too scrambled of a mindset to respond properly. He abandoned his soda and bolted up the stairs on impossibly silent feet, heading to his room. Natasha heard a door close shut and the unmistakable sound of a lock clicking. Natasha sheathed her knife and grabbed a glass of water.

She studied the area that the boy had been standing to see if there were any clues as to who he was. Obviously, he lived here, as he had a room, but she'd never seen him before. Who was he? 

---Terry says hi---

Peter was absolutely miserable. He had lost the last person who had cared about him. Had cared for him. Who had loved him. May had died during the five years he'd been gone. He'd come back only to find that she'd died. Peter had no one. Absolutely no one. 

It had only been three days, but it had felt like an eternity. He'd cried nonstop the first day, eventually falling asleep with an iron man plushie Mr. Stark had gotten him as a joke. The second day he spent blaming himself, but then soon realized it was pointless. There was no possible way it was logically his fault. The third day was just spent feeling horribly empty and lost. But throughout those days, he'd stayed in his room. Except for the third night. He needed a drink and a change of scenery. But of course, the Black Widow had to come down for a glass of water.

He'd stuttered some apology and bolted away from her. Now he just cried again. There was nothing more for him to do. 

---Time skip is yeeted at you---

Two weeks passed. Natasha would occasionally see the strange boy when she headed to the kitchen at night, but she never saw him during the day. She tried finding which room was his, but had no luck with that. The others didn't even know he existed. There was one time, Natasha had been wandering around late at night, and eventually had come down to the kitchen. But she'd seen the boy with his head down, and his shoulders shaking, his body wracked with sobs. She'd retreated back up the stairs, wanting to give him privacy. 


Peter still didn't get better. He couldn't move on. He just couldn't. His third and final father figure had died, along with the rest of his family. He didn't have anyone left, and Peter just couldn't get over that. He cried himself to sleep almost every single night, and those rare nights where he didn't? Well he just ended up not sleeping.

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