Chapter Thirty-one

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I nod eagerly, possibly to eager at the smirk I get in reply. "I think we're going to head off now, but it was very nice spending time with you all tonight." I address the table as I stand up.

"Good night Alpha." They all smile at me.

Michael stands up, collecting my coat in one of his hands before lacing his other hand through mine. We walk casually through the sea of tables as we say good night to everyone on our way back towards the entrance of the pack house. The whole walk back to our room is filled with silence. We both know what is about to come, and the anticipation of it is just about ready to kill me. This will be my first time doing anything this intimate, Michael knows that. He has been all my firsts so far, he stole my first kiss when I first met him, and he will be my first and last for everything else that is to come. I couldn't be more excited, but with that I'm also filled with nerves and worry. I know and trust that Michael wouldn't hurt me, but I worry that I won't be good enough or that he wont like it with me.

We reach our bedroom and Michael closes the door behind us, locking it which makes me gulp. I bite my bottom lip as I watch him drop my coat to the ground carelessly as he looks at me with hunger. Michael reaches out to me and cups my face in his hands as he slowly lowers his lips to mine. The kiss starts out slow and passionate before it deepens as I'm pulled to stand flush against his body and it fills with desire and desperation. My hands fly up to his hair, my fingers getting tangled between his short curls. I moan lightly against him. I can feel Michael smirking against my lips as his hands drop from my face and run down my sides slowly until they come to rest on my ass. His hands gently give my ass a small squeeze before he reaches down further for the hem of my dress. "Are you sure about this?" He breaks away from the kiss as he holds the bottom of my dress in its place.

"Fuck yes." I grin, biting my bottom lip again as I feel my core getting even wetter at this sight of him before me, his hair dishevelled and his eyes flicking between lilac and black.

Michael growls. "I thought I told you not to cuss, little wolf." Before I get a chance to reply his lips descend on mine again as he raises my dress at a painfully slow pace. 

I clench my thighs closer together, trying needing more friction between them but this is the best I can do right now. I raise my arms as Michael breaks away from the kiss to raise the dress over my head, tossing it somewhere out of my sight. My eyes stare into his, not wanting to ever break away from his beautiful lilac eyes. I smile up at him nervously.

"There's no need to be nervous, my love." His hands run up and down my sides, causing goose bumps to cover my skin. "You're beautiful." His eyes are raking over my very naked body before meeting my eyes again. "Amelia, I have loved you since the day I first met you. I have always done my best to make you happy, and I know I have not always achieved at that but I swear I will spend every minute of every day we have together just showering you in my love so that you might one day understand how much you mean to me."

I shake my head at him. "I already know how much you love me, because I love you too but even more."

Michael growls at me. "Not possible, little wolf."

I roll my eyes at him.

"Little wolf." His tongue makes a 'tsk' sound. "What did I say would happen if you rolled your eyes at me?"

I bite my bottom lip. "That you'd punish me?" I say, unable to hide the excitement in my voice.

Michael nods once. "Good, you remembered." He drops his head so he can whisper into my ear. "Don't worry little wolf, we're going to take it nice and slow." His lips leave a trail of kisses down my neck, I moan when he reaches the spot where his mark will be by the end of tonight. One of Michael's hands grabs onto one of my breasts and starts rolling my nipple between his thumb and index finger, while his other hand reaches down and begins rubbing my clit. I let out an involuntary moan, sparks covering my skin. My hands return to tangle in his hair as his head drops down to be level with my chest. Michael's tongue drags across my neglected nipple, teasing it for a short minute before taking it between his lips and sucking on it lightly. His teeth nibble softly, playfully, at my nipple as his hands remain busy with my other nipple and teasing my clit. I bite back a moan as my head rolls back. Michael switches nipples, his mouth now suckling on my other nipple while his fingers play with my wet nipple he'd just finished sucking on. His fingers leave my clit, causing a small whimper to escape my lips, earning me a low chuckle in response. One of Michael's fingers dives into my core, slowly thrusting back and forth causing my walls to tighten around him as I moan out loudly. Michael's mouth leaves my nipples as his head pops up to give me a light kiss on my lips. "Do you trust me?"

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