Do New Beginnings really Exist?

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I stepped out of the train as we reached Hogwarts, hurrying to the carriages to avoid the stampede of questions from my friends. I didn't sit with them, I went totally AWOL on them when I went to track down my family and then they found me. The evil cockroach thought she could blackmail me. That bitch. "Hermione, you've been avoiding me! Did I do something wrong?" Ginny asked from behind me, the ever constant worrier. 

I turned around and plastered a smile on my face. "No! Of course not Ginny, just a lot on my mind" I said to my best friend. 

She looked visibly relived and sighed. "Ok good. I couldn't have anyone else avoiding me" she stated awkwardly. Ever since Harry and her broke up they've been avoiding each other and Ginny became a nervous wreck, the fierce girl she was before, broken by the war. Fred was her best friend and he was gone. It's your fault Hermione. 

I shook my head slightly. "I would never" I promised, watching her smile. I turned to see Draco Malfoy get off the train and turn towards me. He stepped towards me smirking, a frown pulled over my features. He snarled at me, before walking away.

 I turned back to Ginny, relieved. She wasn't paying attention to me, but was crying softly at the sight of our school. I knew she didn't want to come back but we had to, I had to. It was the only way for me to do what I have to. She only came to keep me company though I insisted I'd be fine. 

I scoffed lightly at the sign hanging over the entrance. "Welcome" it read. Not everyone will be welcomed here, least of all Harry, Ron, and I. Even though we defeated Voldemort everyone blames us for the damage done to the school, the damage done to children, to families. Why didn't you defeat him sooner? I'd gotten over one hundred howlers asking that question. The arseholes who asked it where probably whores sitting at home through the whole war. 

Ginny clung to my sleeve, pulling me back to reality as I fell in step with Ron. "Hey" he murmured softly. I nodded in response. He grasped his girlfriend's hand and I nodded at Romilda Vane as well. She gave me a weak smile in return. They spoke softy to each other, murmuring in the way lovers do and I tried to tune them out. 

We entered the Great Hall and a hush fell over everyone. The teachers continued to speak to each other, oblivious of the silence we'd brought to the room. I grabbed Ginny's hand and squeezed lightly. Harry steered us over the the edge of the Hufflepuff table, the only table that wouldn't scream at us while we ate. I placed myself in between Harry and Ginny smiled at them both. "Why would you come back" someone screeched. "We don't want you here".

I spun around to see Colette Diggory, Cedric's younger sister. "You guys are as bad as him" she screamed again. 

I growled and Harry placed a hand on my shoulder to stop me from getting up. I turned back around only to find a piece of bread being thrown at my back. I hissed in pain and whipped back around to see the Gryffindor table throwing food at us, the Ravenclaws soon joining in with most of the Hufflepuffs. The only table that didn't hate us were the Slytherins, the only people who should hate us. We defeated their side, sent their parents to Azkaban, and sent some of them to Azkaban too. "Stop this, all of you!" shouted Professor Mcgonagall, the new Headmistress. 

"Ronald, Hermione, Harry, Ginervra, Luna, Dean, and Neville, you each get your own dormitory for this year, please make your way to them, you are dismissed. Everyone else, I'm very disappointed in you." she shook her head and allowed us to leave before she continued her speech. 

"This is shit" I exclaimed as we left. "We defeated Voldemort! We saved them from death!" I yelled. 

My friends nodded in agreement adding in their own complaints and opinions as we walked over to our new dorms. I tried to listen but my arm started to burn. I hissed in pain and grabbed the scar that haunted my nights. 

Harry raised his eyebrow, stopping in front of my dorm. "I'm fine" I said, shaking my head. 

"Did they get you too" Ron asked, holding an ice pack to his head. I shook my head. 

"No, I'm fine" I repeated before entering my dorm and closing the door behind me after tossing them a weak smile. I pulled up my sleeve to see my scar, Mudblood. It was glowing again. I sighed and opened the window. I grasped my arm tightly to shield it from the wind before I jumped. 

I landed near the Whomping Willow and froze it before entering the secret room they told me about. "Oh look, the Mudblood decided to grace us with her presence" a female voice shrieked. 

I snarled and spit at the floor. "Yes. I thought you needed me". 

She scowled, before nodding at the door on the right. I pushed it open, pausing slightly to listen to the creak of the door. I entered the room a sudden draft hitting me, I shivered. I froze at the sight of the body. "Go ahead" the woman spat. 

I turned around slowly. "Oh I will, Bellatrix." 

Hey everyone! It's lee. Soooo I know that I made Ginny seem kiiinda weak but never fear I'll give her back to you. 

Anyways I probably will take a while to write for the next few days because exams are coming up and I rlly don't want to fail lol. 

Sorry about how short this chapter is! The first few chapters will be like this but don't worry they'll get longer!!

Enjoy the story and don't forget to comment, vote, and follow me!

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