Promise Me One Thing

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I managed to get through the night by studying and reading to keep myself away from the bed and the nightmares that haunt the night. I tied my hair into a loose messy bun and threw on a red crop top and jeans before hurrying down to the Great Hall for breakfast. I hopped into my spot and sent the usual plate of food up to Professor Dumbledore and grabbed an apple from the center of the table. "Hermione, why'd you go to the Whomping Willow yesterday?" Harry asked, suspicion flaring through his voice. 

"It's peaceful to study there. I like the sound of the breeze" I responded carefully. 

If he was watching me he knew that Malfoy was in my dorm. Professor Dumbledore enchanted Harry's map once so that he didn't show up on it. I watched Harry, daring him to ask me. "Hermione why was fucking Malfoy in your room" Ron burst out. 

Harry grimaced at Ron's clumsiness but nodded along anyways. "He wants me to tutor him" I scowled in Malfoy's direction watching him raise an eyebrow. I nodded towards Harry and Ron before continuing. "I agreed, only because I've always been interested in becoming a teacher so I thought it would be a good challenge. Don't look at me like that Harry, if I could handle Voldemort I'm more than capable of handling that prat" I said. 

Harry stared for a minute before nodding. "Suppose your right" he mumbled before snapping his neck up when Malfoy neared our table. 

Granger, can you hear me. 

Are you seriously using Legilimency Malfoy?

Fuck off. I needed to know what you told them!

I said I was tutoring you. 

He scowled at me before turning towards my friends, who didn't notice our exchange. Ron glowered and Malfoy smirked. "Come on Granger, let's get started shall we. I need the basic information". 

I growled in the back of my throat before smiling at both my friends and grabbing my bags. "Let's go to my dorm, if you brought any books" I raised an eyebrow at him. 

He nodded and motioned to his bag before we set off. "Look Granger, I don't like you so-" he started. 

"And I don't give two fucks about you" I cut him off before spinning to look at him. "I'm doing this because you found out because you had to stick you nose into my business. This" I motioned between us "is not what I wanted". 

I started walking again faster than before. "Than what did you want Granger, what did you expect?" he threw his arms in the air. 

"I didn't want to have anything to do with you Malfoy! I wanted to do my own stuff in peace and go about the plans and get my parents back and-" I stopped, realizing what I told him. 

Instead of sneering or teasing he had a worried expression on his face. He pinched the bridge of his nose and spoke in a quiet voice. "You need to explain your predicament to me so I can help you". 

I pulled him into an empty classroom and did a quick check for Peeves before collapsing against the wall. "Muffliato" I whispered so that nobody could hear us if they walked in on us. 

I looked up at him. "Bellatrix kidnapped my parents Draco"

I used his first name, I thought grimly. I hated how she was able to unnerve me so deeply and it frightened me how Malfoy's presence soothed me, the composure I built up through the war gone in a matter of seconds around him. 

"She wants me to bring Voldemort back" I whispered, tears flowing freely. "I've been tricking her, saying it will take a while and she's got my parents! I can't bring back Muggles". 

He sat next to me finally and threw a comforting arm around my shoulders, stiffening at the contact. I leaned into his warmth and was jolted back into reality by the abnormity of the situation. I hopped up and watched the flicker of emotions pass through his face, confusion, hurt, worry, and something else. 

"Let's get back to Professor Dumbledore" I said. 

He grabbed my shoulders and steadied me. "Promise me one thing Granger. You must let me help you, I can, and I will" he pleaded, desperation clawing through his voice. 

I nodded, shocked. "I promise" I whispered. 

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