I'm sorry, WHAT?

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I tripped slightly over my grey checkered trainers as I hopped aboard a bus, waving my hand at my roommate. "See you Cho" I called giddily to the other girl. 

After a severe head injury at my seventh year at Hogwarts, which I had come back to take, I ended up moving to London to work at the Gringotts bank. Someone needed to help bring back all the money lost on repairs thanks to yours truly. I could feel an embarrassed flush creeping its way up my neck as I thought about the incident. 

Cho's eyes watered slightly and she had this almost guilty expression adorning her delicate features. I paused my prance and backed out from the bus, stepping up to my friend. "What's wrong Cho, you look dreadful." she recoiled gently. 

"Get on your bus Hermione" her voice was quiet and upset as she turned away from me, clenching her fists at her side. 

"Why? Did I do something Cho, we can always go back to the flat to talk things over" my voice was reaching hysteria at this point, she couldn't even look me in the eyes. "Come on Cho, talk to me" I raised my voice slightly, my eyes darting at onlookers. 

She turned around and small beads of water had started to pool out of her dark eyes, slipping down her cheeks and catching the light of the sun. Her eyes scrunched slightly and she sniffed quietly. "Cho" I tried again, my voice quieter. 

Her shoulders shook with repressed tears and she shook her head. "It wasn't you Hermione" her voice was muffled with the wait of her tears. She let out a heart-wrenching sob. "It was me this time. I did something horrible" she gasped as if she were drowning and bent her shoulders inwards, trapping herself in a shell. 

"Let's get back to the flat so you can talk to me" I pulled her shoulder's gently as we apparated to a small London flat across from the Leaky Cauldron. 

Cho let out a few more sniffles and fell backwards onto our soft green sofas. "Start from the beginning. It always helps to start there" I advised, taking a gentle seat across from her. 

She looked up at me, her tear stained cheeks reflecting light off her face. "Well, I uh. So. At the beginning of seventh year I believe I got imperiused." 

I couldn't help but let out a long gasp. "By who Cho" I stood up, raising my wand as if the person was in out room at the very minute. 

"By Bellatrix Lestrange" her voice cracked as she pointed to a small closet in the corner of the flat. 

I let my feet drag me to the closet and I placed a tentative hand on the handle. I grasped it tightly and yanked the door open watching a small body drop out. Bellatrix's dead eyes stared back at me, a steady flow of blood dripping out of the side of her head. I looked up at Cho, blinking rapidly. "What the hell is this" I gasped. "Did you kill her?"

Cho shook her head. "No, no, no, no" she began, her voice tinging with remorse. "I didn't mean to kill anyone, really. I had to move a body. While I was under the curse" she rushed. 

"I had to move it but I used a spell instead and I knocked yo- I mean to say, the person into a post and the whole shack collapsed-"

"Shack" I interrupted. 

"It happened in the Shrieking Shack." she nodded, as if confirming the details to herself. 

"Ok. Continue"

"Anyways. The shack collapsed and it really wasn't my fault, I mean I didn't want to kill her. Maybe injure, severely. But not kill" her eyes were filled with the horror of her actions and the remorse she felt. 

"So what happened to the body?" I asked, sitting on the edge of the couch, far away from the body, thoroughly intrigued. 

Cho giggled nervously and ran her hand through her hair. "I was under the curse Hermione, truly." she started to swerve from the subject. 

I had a horrible idea of where this was going but I pressed her anyways, standing up again and clenching my hand around my wand. "Tell me Cho, who the hell was the body" 

"You, Hermione" someone barged into the door. 

I turned to see Draco Malfoy staring at me, his cocky face pulled in a defeated frown. Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Theodore Nott stood behind him. I took a startled step back when I saw Nott and Ginny's hands clasped. "What the fuck are you doing here" I growled, stepping towards the blond menace. 

His eyes met mine and I recoiled in pity. His eyes held so much sadness one would think his wife died or something similar. "You forgot everything" his voice broke, tears glistened under the light of the morning sun. 

"What do you mean forgot" I regained my ferocity but for some reason I couldn't conjure anything cruel towards him. 

He pulled out his wand and I stepped back, grabbing my own. "Hurry up Draco it only lasts ten minutes" Ginny nudged his shoulder. 

He winced but didn't retaliate. He touched the wand to the side of his head and handed me a glowing, silvery string. "Watch them" he whispered, touching my elbow and apparating me to Hogwarts. 

"How did you-"

"Special permission" Ginny interrupted. "Now watch" she ordered, smiling at me. 

I pushed the memory into the pensive and held my breath as I plunged into the murky waters. 

"It-it's not safe here beaver. Death Eaters can get in now, do you have a death wish" 

"Hello Professor Dumbledore"

"Ah dear, young love is quite the spectacle"

Draco smiled at me, genuinely and than smirked. He reached out and tucked the flower back into place and I blushed a deep red. 

Our lips met for a fraction of a second, the slightest of pecks but I swear that moment felt infinite.

"You know, you'll be my first girlfriend" Draco laughed softly. 

"So I'm the real thing"

"We seem to fit."

"We do don't we"

I'm in love with Draco Malfoy.

I stared up at Draco in awe as the memories flooded back into my head. My eyes met Cho's guilty ones and I offered her the tiniest of smiles. "Its alright" I mouthed, turning to Draco and grinning. 

"I'm back" I laughed. 

He chuckled and blushed. "Thought I lost you for good Hermione" 

Theo pushed through and ruffled my hair, laughing with Ginny. "Good to have you back Muddy" he laughed again as Ginny hugged me tightly. 

I ran through the round of hugs, gripping Harry in a fierce one and a small, quick one with Cho. I looked at Ron and he shook his head. "It wasn't me, well it was but." he shook his head. "I love you Hermione. Only as a sister. I'm still in love with Romilda" he grinned slightly. 

I smiled back at him and pulled him in for a quick hug. "Good. She was perfect for you" I smiled. 

I turned back to Draco to see him standing off to the side, hands shoved into his pockets. I stepped in front of his and stared into his eyes. "I love you Draco Malfoy" I whispered. 

He tore his hands from his pockets and his eyes widened for a second. He pulled me in for a tight hug and kissed me softly, gently, the slightest whisper of a kiss. A kiss so gentle I felt as if I might collapse in his arms. 

"You're in luck Granger" he chuckled softly. "I think I may be in love with you too" 

And I'm done! My first completed Wattpad story. YESSSSSSS

If you liked this one please do check out Cowardice. The writing is soooo much better in that one. I'm sort of happy with this final product though, I think it's cute, short, and Dramione. 

Vote. Comment. Share. And don't hate please. 

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