Everything we do has Consequences

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It took me four hours in the hospital wing to regain consciousness. I woke up, adjusting my eyes to the light and moved my hand in front of my eyes. I could vividly make out four figures arguing in front of my bed and then it stopped. "Hermione" Luna squealed. "Ron thought you were dead". 

I glanced up at my best friends and smiled. Harry and Ron and expressions of worry clouding their features. "What did Malfoy do to you?" Ron demanded. 

I scoffed. "He didn't do anything Ron." I turned to Harry. "I fainted because I didn't get enough rest. Thanks for taking me here by the way" I grinned. 

I looked over at Ginny, who was standing in the corner of the room. "Hermione I need to talk to you alone please" she mumbled. 

Harry and Ron frowned. Luna, however, smiled. "Come on then boys. It's obvious the nargles tangled her brain." she nodded solemnly. 

I watched Ginny, worry pulling over my features. The younger girl cut her hair to a small bob cut over the summer. She had deep bags under her eyes which were swimming with tears. "You brought Professor Dumbledore back from the dead" she stated. "Well, someone did." she added. 

I frowned. Shit. She must have seen him. "Yes I did Ginny" I said carefully. 

Anger radiated from her eyes and I glimpsed the girl she was before, her fierce demeanor coming back. "You can bring people back from the dead. People like Fred, Remus, Tonks, Mad-eye" her voice broke. "You can bring them back" she shrieked. She collapsed onto the floor in a heap of tears. "Why didn't you bring them back." she managed at last. 

I frowned and studied her. Her hair messy and wavy, stuck to her face, sticking to the tears streaming down her cheeks. Her blue eyes, defiant and cruel. Her freckles seemed to look brighter in the hospital wing light. Her normally warm hands, gripping my arm with desperation. "Answer me" she screamed. 

I allowed a tear to slip through my face. "Everything we do has consequences" I whispered, pointing my wand at her. "Obliviate" I said. "Reponere" I mumbled, replacing her memories with new ones. 

Harry and Ron frowned. Luna, however, smiled. "Come on then boys. It's obvious the nargles tangled her brain." she nodded solemnly. 

Ginny watched them leave and her eyes lit up with excitement. "Are you alright Hermione" she asked, hurriedly.

"Yes" I said carefully and slowly. "What's wrong." I asked. 

She jumped around giddily. "Not what's wrong Hermione" she waggled her fingers in my face showing signs of her fierce, outgoing demeanor we all love. "It's what's right" she sighed. 

"I have developed the biggest crush on Mr. Theodore Nott, the resident Slytherin sexy!" she squealed. 

I grinned at her. "Are you over Harry then" I asked tentatively. 

Her smile slipped and she sat back down beside my bed the green couch slipping down under her weight. She smiled sadly. "He was my first love Hermione. I don't think I can ever be truly over him, although I do think I'm getting to the point where looking at other guys doesn't feel like a crime" she said. 

I smiled at her. "Good for you Ginny". 

Harry and Ron barged into the curtains once more and took one look at our tear stained cheeks and left. We burst into giggles at the boys and she gripped my hand. "Thank you for understanding and listening Hermione" she smiled. 

I nodded. "Anytime Gin" I said, struggling not to break down. 

She grinned but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Why don't we head to the Great Hall for dinner" she said. 

I nodded and flung my legs over the bed, wincing at the motion. Ginny reached over to grab my arms and support me. I stood up, shaking slightly and strained to see the hospital wing door. I saw a flash of blond hair, I shook my head a bit and looked back to see that it was gone. I frowned and continued walking in slow, steady steps with Ginny hovering nervously next to me. "You don't have to babysit me" I teased, trying to lighten the mood. 

She laughed slightly but it sounded off, a small cackle that sounded more sarcastic and cold than I've ever heard from her before. 

I frowned again, What was going on with Ginny? 

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