The definition of love

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I nodded and pulled her into a quick hug, leaning back to stare into her eyes. "Don't hurt yourself Hermione, I-" I love you. I've loved you since 5th year. Since I saw you standing in the D.A's meeting area after I lead Umbridge to you. When you stood in the middle of the room, defiant and beautiful. When I realized how deep your thirst for knowledge ran. When I realized how smart and logical you are. I've loved you since sixth year when I smelled you in my Amortentia. And then I smelled you in it again in potions this year and I loved you even more "I'll see you later" I muttered, turning away so I don't tell her everything I've never said. Everything I desperately need to say. 

I broke into a sprint and ran towards to Hall where the party was being held, pausing at the door and looking back. I smiled at her dress and wished I could run back inside and tell her that I loved her. But she wouldn't say it back. I'm a Death Eater. A school fling. And nothing more. 

I burst into the room my eyes darting from student to student until they landed on a depressed Peter Pan and his ginger accomplice. "Theodore, Ginny" I bellowed, watching them turn around in confusion. 

I landed next to them, gasping for breath. "Hermione. Hermione's in trouble. Bellatrix. Your brother" I raised an eyebrow at Ginny. 

"Bellatrix" Theo shouted. "The fuck don't we know mate" he lowered his voice at the odd glares. 

"I'll explain on the way now where the fuck is Potter" I growled, feeling a tap beside me. 

I turned around to see Potter's head hovering in mid-air and I let out a very manly yelp. 

Ginny burst into laughter. "Ahh you scream like a girl." she cackled and I brought my hat down to whack the side of her head. 

"Listen to me" I yelled, startling a herd of students adjacent to us. I held a hand out in apology and grabbed Theo and Ginny's sleeves, dragging them into a corner. "Oi, Potter" I whisper-yelled at the floating head. "Hermione is in danger" I managed, frustration knitting along my eyebrows. 

"So Potter, here's the basics. Hermione is a very powerful witch who can bring people back to life at a hefty price" I raised my voice as Potter's eyes widened. "She brought Dumbledore back because" my eyes stayed firmly on Potter to avoid Ginny and Theo's betrayed glances. "Her parents were kidnapped by Bellatrix. Her father is dead but her mother is still alive. Bellatrix is using Hermione's power to bring Voldemort back because his soulmate" I pressed my lips together and took a breath. "His soulmate is Mcgonagall. They're obviously not compatible but they are soulmates. Oh and we think Weasley and Chang are under the imperious curse." I finished. 

Ginny growled slightly. "So you didn't tell us this before because..." her annoyance was clear but so was her concern for her friends. 

A flicker of softness passed across my face as I gripped her shoulders slightly. "Hermione didn't want me to tell you" I muttered before turning my back to them and beginning my sprint to the Room of Requirement. 

Potter's head flickered beside me as he matched my speed. "So are you and Hermione a thing now" I could hear the smirk in his voice as he spoke and I felt my cheeks flush slightly as I thought about her. 

"Yeah" I cleared my throat. "Yeah we're dating" I could feel the pride radiating from my voice and Potter stopped to grin for a second. 

"There we go. Neville owes me a galleon" he laughed. 

I bumped my shoulder into his, throwing his into the wall. "You bet on my love life" I yelled, Ginny and Theo grinning in the background. 

Potter smirked and chuckled. "Everyone did" he laughed. 

We neared the room and I felt a rush of fear for Hermione as I glared at the opening door. The room was in shambles. Everything had clashed to the floor and the boxes were scattered over the room like a hurricane had whipped through. "Try and find a wheelchair" I rasped in shock as my eyes roamed desperately for her mop of brown hair. 

Where is she?

I trailed my hand along the boxes left standing up, knocking a few over for the satisfying clang. A quiet bark sounded from the floor by my feet and I looked down to see Gandalf. "Not now buddy" I called, shooing him away slightly as I continued my desperate search. 

I felt a sharp sting on my ankle and looked down to see blood flowing out. "You've got to be fucking kidding me" I clamped my hand over the ankle as Gandalf nipped my hand. "What the fuck is up?" I shot him a deathly glare as he barked happily. 

Gandalf began a slow run to a different part of the room, I followed as best as I could, Ginny and Potter starting to tail me. I shot past Theo who let out a loud girlish squeak. Ginny broke into a small fit of giggles before continuing her run behind me. I let out a gasp as a small blue light shot from the broken wheelchair and into a thin line leading out of the room. "Wow, you're a genius Hermione" I whispered fondly. 

Ginny, Potter, and Theo entered the small corner and stared around the room. "What Malfoy. Hermione's a genius for wooooah that's a hard dog" Ginny's voice rang with the same surprise Hermione's did when she saw him. 

I let out a small chuckle and turned to the rest of them. "I think" I itched my jaw slightly. "I think she charmed it so only Hermione and I can see it. It's sort of a er blue light? It forms a line. Probably a trail leading to her." I grinned, confident in Hermione's skills. 

"Then you'll lead us" Potter's voice flared with suspicion and I turned around angrily. 

"Yes I'll fucking lead you. To my fucking girlfriend Potter. The woman I love" I broke out in outrage. 

Ginny and Theo wore equally shit-eating faces as they stared at me, unblinking. Potter just ran his hand through his hair and let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah. I suppose. Let's go then?" his tone was apologetic. 

"Let's fucking go" I growled, my cheeks pink at what I had just admitted, to her overprotective brother no less. 

I ignored the tingling behind my neck and began a sprint along the blue light, it would lead us to her. It would lead us to Hermione. It had to. It had to lead me to her. I need to tell her. 

We winded through the corridors of the school, our feet were loud against the stone as we halted in front of someone. 

They turned around, their face covered in tears, some old some new, streaming down their face and glistening in the pale moonlight. Their eyes were bloodshot and their hair a mass of electricity. A palpable guilt washed over them as their eyes met mine. "Weasley" I growled. 

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