Fool me once shame on you

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I watched the old man carefully as he laid back down on the bed. "I believe I will need more healing than just this. Can you get Poppy" he asked. 

I shook my head apologetically. "No one must know" I explained. 

I watched the understanding cross through his features. "Then, I suppose, you will need to care for me alone" he spoke again after a few seconds of silence. 

I nodded, carefully watching him, struggling to read his expression. "Mr. Malfoy is a skilled healer you know" he said, a knowing twinkle in his eye. 

I scoffed. "With all due respect Professor, as if he will" I snorted. 

He raised an eyebrow but said nothing. "I believe Poppy will give you medicine if you request that some be kept in your dorm" he said. 

I nodded, thanking him for the advice before closing his door and collapsing against mine. The exhaustion from bringing him back drained me of magic. I managed to head to my bed before settling in carefully succumbing to the sleep my body longed for. 

"Granger"  he said. I whimpered, backing into the wall at Malfoy Manor. "I don't want to hurt you child" he said again. 

"Liar" I spoke, my voice cracking with fear. "That's all you want to do". 

He laughed, his cold voice tumbling through my head and bringing me to my knees. "You are smart aren't you. Crucio." he shouted. 

I writhed in pain. I felt as if knives were digging into my feet. Lassos gripping my arms and pulling me to my feet as I tumbled down only to be caught by teeth. Sharp nails digging into my body. A knife slowly scratching my arm. I screamed in pain. "Tell me, mudblood, and I will let you go" he said twisting his wand and increasing the pain. 

"I - will - NOT" I screamed.

He snarled. "Bella." he called his loyal servant over. He bent over me watching me cry pathetically in the corner. "Have it your way then" he whispered. 

I cried out in pain as she dug the knife into my skin. "I refuse to assist you in any way" I managed to scream before I died. I was dead for approximately 30.867 seconds as they checked to see if I was alive. With a gasp, I was back, more alive than ever. 

I woke up in the morning with a pounding headache that seemed to drag me out of my bed. I checked on Dumbledore to see him smiling weakly and promised to bring the medicines before heading out to the Great Hall for breakfast. I tumbled into my usual seat beside Ron and Harry and piled some food onto my plate. I quickly muttered a charm and sent the plate flying to my dorm. "I was planning on studying through dinner" I muttered to my friends. 

Ron groaned. "Why so borrring Hermione. Live a little, sneak out with me" he offered. 

"Well, I'm sorry I'm so boring but at least I get good grades" I sniffed haughtily before grabbing my books and stalking out of the Great Hall. 

I slammed into a tall guy who grabbed my shoulders to steady me. "Watch where you're going" Malfoy muttered before walking off. 

I stood confused for a minute before heading off to the library to research the situation I'd gotten myself into. I confided in my unnatural healing abilities to Madam Pince who, unsurprisingly, kept it a secret and picked out books for me daily to understand more about myself. I entered the library scanning the place to see who was watching before grabbing the pile of books she'd left me today. I shot her a grateful smile before mouthing thank you and making my way to the chairs near the window facing the Whomping Willow. 

Malfoy threw his bag next to me and placed himself on the chair opposite from me. "I got a message for you" he announced. 

In one smooth motion I swiped the books into my bag careful not to let him see the titles. "Spit it out then" I snarled, muttering profanities under my breath. 

"Woah watch your mouth there Granger" he smirked before continuing. "Weaslebee thinks you are a prude and he voiced his concerns to Scar-head, who in return says you are not". 

"I'm sure they didn't say any of this to you Malfoy" I said with the air of a teacher explaining something to a student. 

"They didn't. I just wanted to see your reaction" he said. "And ask why Scar-face looked so flustered when he explained you're not a prude. Did you shag Pott-head" he asked casually. 

I choked on air and scowled. "Hardly your business ferret-face" I muttered before picking up my stuff. 

"I also got a letter, that wasn't addressed by anyone saying that you need my help healing someone." he added as I turned to leave. 

"The old git" I cursed. "No I don't, it was a joke from an old friend of mine" I said before leaving for good. 

I glanced behind, triumphant when I didn't see him following. 

When I got to my dorm I stood outside the door willing my anger to disappear. I sighed and opened the door. "Why'd you talk to Malfoy, I told you I can do it by myself" I said in a strained voice.  

"Where are you sir" I tried again, taking a 360 turn of the room. 

I saw an unfamiliar shiny flickering in the corner of the dorm and frowned slightly, taking a step closer. "Finite" I mumbled, watching the figure of Draco Malfoy flicker into view. 

"You snuck into my dorm" I yelled in outrage. 

He smirked. "Didn't know you called old friends sir Granger, how silly of me, I meant Ma'am" he said lazily. 

I saw red and felt my arm burning, I couldn't take it anymore. "Leave. Just leave Malfoy" I said, scrubbing my face with my right hand. 

He frowned looking ready to argue but caught a look at my face and left. I glanced in the mirror I kept by my door and frowned at my reflection. My face was a pale, ghastly grey. There were deep circles under my eyes, a mark of the terrors that are inevitable. I was sickly thin and, to state it simply- "You look terrible" came the weak voice of Professor Dumbledore.   

"Wow, thanks Professor" I smiled. "I really must leave" I said flexing my left arm. 

He nodded towards the window and graciously accepted the bottles of medicine I dumped into his lap. I walked backwards towards the window and grasped the windowsill taking a quick peek back at him before I jumped. 

Alright! Another chapter done. I was actually so excited when I came up with the idea for this book that I stopped making dinner so I could write down the idea. But that was just the general plot I'm kinda just writing down whatever every day lol. 

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