What's it to you?

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I took a few more steps to the dead body of Voldemort. "What are you waiting for Mudblood. You can bring him back can't you" Bellatrix cried out. 

I whipped around and smirked. "Do I really have a choice." I asked. "I didn't think so. Now you listen to me pureblood" I spat, taking a threatening step towards her. "Treat me like crap again and there might just be a little slip where I mess up his non-existent brain. It's going to take me more that an hour to fix this shit. I'll need close to a year to bring this arsehole back, and I need you to promise you won't harm my fucking parents while I work." I yelled. 

She snarled. "Unbreakable?" she asked, tilting her head. 

I shook my head. "Your word will do, so long as you swear on your master's life" I nodded towards Voldemort's cold, dead body. 

"I swear your filthy muggle parents will not be harmed" she responded. 

I nodded in approval. "Glad we got that sorted out. I'll begin tomorrow" I said, stepping out of the room. 

She grabbed my arm, digging her nails into my scar. I hissed in pain. "NO. We'll begin today" she hissed. 

I pulled my arm away. "No. I will not"

 I headed out of the willow, careful to cast a disillusionment charm so nobody saw me leave. I lifted the charm once I was far enough and was pulled into a corner by an unfamiliar cold, hand. I hissed and pulled out of the grasp of a pale, blond boy. He smirked. "Where where you" he demanded. Was that - concern that flashed through his eyes as he grabbed me again. 

I shrugged out of his grasp. "What's it to you" I spat ready to leave. 

He scowled. "It-it's not safe here beaver. Death Eaters can get in now, do you have a death wish. Or maybe you should sneak out at night. It would be great fun to see you get tortured and killed by Death Eaters" he snarled but his taunting didn't have the usual venom. 

I was reminded of the time at the Quidditch World Cup when he tried to save me in his own twisted way. I wanted to smile at the thought because I never realized what he did for me, he might have very well saved my life.  

I smirked. "Worried, Malfoy. You've gone soft" I said in a sugary sweet voice before spinning away from him and stomping away. 

Bellatrix Lestrange and some of her cronies kidnapped my parents and brought their memories back to torture them. They believed me to be dead, and I was supposed to bring Voldemort back to save them. My healing magic which I've always had increased by 10x during the war. I was now able to bring people back from the dead. I could bring anyone back from the dead in a matter of minuets, even Voldemort although Bellatrix didn't need to know that. 

I stalked through the grounds of the first place I felt truly accepted before landing at a tomb. The cool white marble looked bright and seemed to glow eerily in the night. I ran my hand over the marble feeling the smooth texture littered with tear stains and fingerprints. I opened the tomb carefully, making sure no one was around before lifting a body out from the tomb. I levitated him up, and through the window of my dorm. I left him in the spare room I created earlier and shook out my hands and arms. I rolled my neck and held out my wand. "Surge a mortuis" I spoke clearly, enunciating each word. 

I watched his body glow a soft golden color before he awoke with a gasp. "Miss Granger. How lovely to see you" he spoke softly, readjusting himself to the world of the living. 

I smiled at his frail figure. "Hello Professor Dumbledore" I said. 

Alright next chapter done! I just wanted to let you know that all the spells that you are not familiar with here are my own ideas! I just pumped some word into google translate for latin and came up with these lol. 

I think this is going to be the shortest chapter at least I hope it will be, I always liked the longer chapters. 

Anyways, love you all and comment, vote, and follow!

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