The company of an Innocent

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The morning came quickly and I found myself pacing the floor of my common room, anxious and worried for the detention I needed to tell my friends about, and why I got it. I grabbed some shorts and pulled on a floral shirt and tucked my wand in my pocket. I peeked in Dumbledore's old room to see it completely cleaned out, smelling strongly of disinfectant. Malfoy must have cleaned it out before leaving. I hopped out of my dorm and was startled to see Harry and Ginny waiting for me. "Hey guys" I greeted making it sound more like a question. 

Harry grinned. "Someone got detention last night" he wiggled his eyebrows making it quite clear that he knew who it was with. 

I smiled sheepishly. "Yes. I couldn't sleep and ran into Theo and Malfoy and detention we got". 

Harry smirked. "You forgot to mention the part where the two of you ran into a broom closet and-" 

Ginny interrupted him with a loud girlish squeal. "Hermioneeee you got into a closet with the Slytherin sex god!!! I need details" she demanded waving Harry off an odd look of despair crossing her features when she thought I wasn't looking.  

I sighed. "I'll see you later then Harry" I muttered as she pulled me to our Charms class, gripping my arm tightly. 

I couldn't help but smile at her attitude and felt a rush of affection for my friend. 

Granger? Can you hear me is this working

I heard Malfoy's voice and spun around scanning the classroom for his blond hair. 

Malfoy where the fuck are you?!

In your head. I'm actually in Divination right now but...

DIVINATION?! You're supposed to be with Dumbledore

I know, I know it's my turn but listen I had to get to class so you take him today, and anyways I was with him last


I frowned, the pompous git. "Hermione?" Ginny asked, touching my shoulder. 

I jumped at the touch and turned to her, annoyance flickering across my face. "What" I snapped. 

Her smile disappeared. "Sorry Ginny! I'm just annoyed at Malfoy I just realized he forgot to show me his homework" I explained, trying to justify my actions. 

She nodded in response and her giddy smile returned. "Sooo, details?" she pressed, moving closer to me. 

I groaned and inwardly cursed Harry. "I pulled him in a closet and we stayed in there for a while. Nothing happened okay" I sighed. 

She wiggled her eyebrows and sat on the desk. "Are ya sure, there were no butterflies, every touch didn't make your heart flutter, you didn't feel like getting a nice shag from Mal-" 

I clamped my hand over her mouth and fake gagged. "You are disgusting!" I yelled, jumping back as she giggled. 

I couldn't help but crack into laughter because of her and she elbowed me in the side. "I'm not done with you yet" she mouthed. 

I smiled and turned back to Professor Flitwick. 


Class ended with a flurry of students rushing to exit the classroom and run to their next. I didn't have another class and instead slipped away from my friends mumbling excuses about studying somewhere secluded and peaceful. Harry and Ginny ushered me away and continued to chat with Luna but Ron looked suspicious. I ignored his looks and instead speed walked over to the Room of Requirement. I entered the room warily, glancing at the white walls and modern furniture. There were boxes everywhere. "It seems the room believes I need a room filled with boxes" Professor Dumbledore smiled at me. 

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