Will Everything Change?

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I shook my head as I carefully closed my door behind me. I sighed and scrubbed my hand on my face as I strolled to the window. I opened it and stepped onto the windowsill closing the window behind me. I frowned absentmindedly as I thought about what this would be like if I couldn't come back to life. I shrugged and jumped hearing the wailing of the wind and the silent screams of the Willow. I crashed into the grass with a sickening crunch. 

Meanwhile Ronald Weasley opened his window to see his best friend, and love of his life, Hermione Granger standing on a windowsill. Her hair flapped around her face in the wind and she stared solemnly at the ground. He reached out subconsciously as she jumped, her face eerily calm. He yelled but either she didn't hear him or ignored him and he fumbled his pockets for his wand but was too late. He heard the crunch of her body hitting the ground and screamed in agony. He stood up, his tear-stained cheeks bright red with grief as he neared the window again only to see that her body was gone. He scanned the grounds and saw a flash of pale blond hair round the corner. 

I woke up and rubbed my arm. "Oww" I groaned. 

"Granger" I heard someone hiss. 

I turned to see Malfoy, smirking in the corner of the school. I growled and he frowned. "That was gross" he nodded to the ground. 

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh right." he tossed me a large, silver metal ring. "This'll tell me if you're in danger." he smirked. "Family heirloom" he explained at my worried expression. 

"Um why? Not that I'm not thankful.." I hurried. 

He smiled wanly. "Bellatrix is dangerous Hermione. She really could hurt you and I-Ginny would kill me if you died" he smirked. 

I smiled in gratitude and waved as I slid down into the Whomping Willow. Bellatrix's evil grin greeted me as I tumbled into the room where Voldemort was kept. I frowned at her and craned my neck over his chair to see the body as pale as it ever was. I mumbled a little charm to warm myself up and stepped closer to the body. I held my hands over and non-verbally cast the charm to make his arm twitch every 3.42 hours. It twitched once and I promptly fainted. 

I felt Bellatrix kicking my body and I woke up with a gasp. I frowned at Voldemort's body before inching out of the doorway. Bellatrix grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer, spitting in my face. "Listen here you filthy mudblood. Speed up the process. He should be alive by next month or say goodbye to your filthy parents" she spat. 

I backed up and dragged a sleeve across my face, grinning psychopathically. "Alright" I said cheerfully, leaving her standing in shock as I escaped the constricting walls of the Shack. I walked carefully towards the school and saw Ron, his face stark white in horror as he saw me. Shit. He must have seen me "die". 

I scowled at him and inched away from him. 

He pointed at me. "Y-y-you died" he spluttered. 

I forced myself to frown deeply and soften my eyes. "Ronald" I whispered, moving closer to him careful to maintain a respectable distance. "There was a boggart roaming the grounds. I only just got rid of it. I suppose your worst fear is the death of - of me?" I spoke so convincingly I almost believed myself. 

Ron shook his head and frowned. "No, I - I saw Malfoy's hair" he said suddenly. 

I inwardly cursed him and spoke into Malfoy's mind. 

Malfoy you complete arsehole. 

Yes Granger.

Ron saw me die and he saw you leave. What the fuck do I tell him. 

I struggled to maintain a calm face as I appeared to ponder.

I told him me dying was his boggart.  

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