Can you keep a secret?

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"Um, uh, I know it's not my business but um, do you have a secret child with Draco?" he said. 

I stood, shocked for a minute before realizing what he was asking. My cheeks flushed bright red and I took an unsteady step back. "What!" I yelled in outrage. "Why would you think that?!". 

He winced and blinked fast before answering. "I just-I heard you guys talking about moving someone-and you were talking about taking on a responsibility so I just thought..." he finished uncertainly twisting his fingers together while staring at his feet. 

My face twisted into a mask of confusion, anger, and distress. I stared pacing the floor, wringing my hands "No it's not a child..." I said, wanting to tell him. 

I frowned and stopped walking. "Why didn't you ask Malfoy?" I asked. 

"Couldn't find him" he waved his hand in the air. "Now I'm interested though, what were you talking about" he asked a smirk creeping onto his features. 

I sighed loudly and sat on one of the benches nearby. "I-look it's almost curfew" I said pointing at a large gold clock on the wall. "We should head back." 

He didn't move but tilted his head expectantly. "Fine" I huffed. "If you must know stop by my dorm tomorrow. No promises that I'll say anything though" I called after him as he walked away in triumph. 

I groaned loudly and continued in the direction I was going in. "Hey, wait Granger we need to talk" I spun around to see the girl with Ron from before and let out a huff of annoyance.   

"No, we don't" I said and continued walking desperate to ignore her. 

She ran up to catch up with me and pulled out her wand as she panted. "What are you doing" I exclaimed as she backed me up against the wall. 

She scowled and blew a strand of hair from her face. "Talking. You have to stay away from my Wonnie. He's my boyfriend now and he's the best thing in the world that you will never have!" she spat. 

I doubled over in laughter causing her to drop her wand. She picked it up uncertainly and looked right and left in the dimly lit hallway. I grinned and took a step toward her. She cowered and looked at the floor. "Now you listen here you bint. I'm not interested in Wonnie. Marry him for all I care just stay away from me" I said. 

She whimpered and nodded furiously. I grinned, showing my teeth and left her there. "Hermione! What took you so long!" Harry yelled when I entered my room. 

I threw a glance at Dumbledore's door. Harry rolled his eyes. "I already checked on your potion and it looks fine Hermione" he said. 

I blinked and tilted my head. Malfoy must have actually put a potion in there. I let out a giggle and Harry frowned. "Seriously Hermione, where were you?" he asked again. 

"I got held up. Ron's new bint" I growled. 

Harry smirked and let out a quick barking laugh. "Great. What did Nott want" he asked quickly.

I frowned. "He was asking me where Malfoy was. As if I would know" I laughed, ashamed at how easily the lie came. 

Harry bought is however, not noticing my discomfort. "I should head back then. Sleep well" he said, suddenly serious.  

I nodded solemnly. "Um yeah sure" I responded, fully aware that I wouldn't be sleeping tonight. 

Harry seemed to know this too because he sent me a stern glare before smiling. "You've done a good job on Malfoy. He only smirked when I walked by him today". 

I grinned. "I know." I gave him a little bow and he laughed. 

"Yeah looks like he's done a good job on you too, it's like another Malfoy with that cockiness" he teased. 

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