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Here's another update since I felt like adding more to this story today.

*Allison's P.O.V*

I tried to free myself from Annabelle's hold as she carried me inside. I pulled at her hands with a frown on my lips, even going as far as licking her hand to try and get her to put me down. "Let me go butthead," I said with a glare. Annabelle sighed as she sat me down, crouching down to make eye contact with me.

"Allison, I am going to ask you nicely to stop calling me names or else you will be going into timeout," she said with a frown on her lips. I stuck my tongue out and blew a raspberry in her face.

"You're a butthead," I told her, glaring at her as my arms crossed over my chest.

"That's it," Maxon said as he lifted me up. I tried to get out of his hold, kicking my legs out slightly as I pulled at his hands. "How old are you Allison?" he questioned me.

"Let go," I cried out as I pushed at his chest with an angry huff escaping my lips. "I am 2, I'm a big girl," I whined loudly. He carried me all the way back to the bedroom, pushing open the door with his foot. He carried me to the corner and sat me down, crouching down to make eye contact.

"You are going to be in timeout for two minutes for calling names," he said with a frown on his lips. "When your time is up and you apologize to Mommy for spitting in her face as well as calling both of us and Amma names," he said. I shook my head as I glared at him. He turned me around and left me in the corner but I wasn't going to stay there.

I turned around and left the corner, whining when he picked me up and sat me back in the corner. I waited for a second before trying to leave again. He picked me up and sat me back in the corner, saying nothing even as I kicked my legs to try and free myself.

"I don't want to be in timeout," I cried out as I left the corner once again. He simply sat me back in the corner as I tried to cling to him instead of get free. I figured if I was clinging to him then he couldn't make me sit in the corner anymore.

He sat me back in the corner which made me cry from frustration. I stuck my fingers in my mouth as a replacement for my pacifier which I didn't have at the moment. I tried to leave and as soon as I did, he had me back in the corner.

"No Daddy, please," I begged as I tried to leave again. I whined when he sat me in the corner once again. I sat there with loud sobs escaping me, frustration overwhelming me. I just wanted to not be in the corner anymore. I sat there as sobs wracked my body, too frustrated to even bother trying to leave again. Tears streamed down my face as I sat there, jumping when a timer went off.

"Come here sweetheart," Maxon said, making me scramble out of the corner. I went to him and he picked me up, rubbing my back. "Can you say sorry for name calling?" he questioned. I nodded as I hiccupped slightly, pulling my fingers out of my mouth.

"I sorry Daddy," I said as he wiped my fingers off with a tissue. I clung to him as he rubbed my back, taking another tissue to wipe my face off.

"Apology accepted," he said as he kissed the top of my head. I sniffled softly as I buried my face into his shoulder. He rocked me back and forth, humming softly.

"I want Mommy," I hiccupped out as I lifted my head up. He nodded as he got up, shifting me slightly so he could hold me with one hand. I rested my head on his shoulder as I continued to hiccup causing me to stick my fingers back in my mouth. He carried me to Annabelle who was sitting in front of the vanity.

"Annabelle, she wants you," he said as he handed me to her. I clung to her as I buried my face into her shoulder.

"I sorry for calling you names," I mumbled into her shoulder. She rubbed my back with a small hum escaping her lips.

"I accept your apology," she said as she patted my back gently while singing a soft lullaby. She lifted me up slightly while lifting my head up. "Let's get those icky fingers out of your mouth and get you a paci," she cooed as she pulled my fingers out of my mouth. I whined softly while looking at her with a pout. "None of that pouting silly girl, I have a new paci for you," she bargained.

"You have a new paci for her? Last time I checked I picked it out," Maxon said as he huffed dramatically. Annabelle opened a drawer to the vanity and pulled out a small package. She opened the package and handed me a pacifier which I took happily. I looked it over and noticed that it had Bolt on it. I giggled happily as I popped it into my mouth, sucking on it happily.

"Thank you," I lisped out from behind my new pacifier as I cuddled into Annabelle, my eyes kind of sore from crying. I rubbed my eyes and I was surprised when I felt a cold, wet cloth on my face. It startled me enough that I flinched back from surprise.

"I'm sorry baby," Maxon cooed softly. "Close your eyes for a second," he said, making me reluctantly close my eyes. He wiped my eyes off with the wet cloth which admittedly felt very nice after all the crying I had done. "There we go," he said, making me open my eyes slowly.

I whined when Annabelle moved, surprised when I was laid down on the bed. She tucked me in, humming softly as she rubbed my belly gently. I lay there, listening to her lullaby as I sucked on my new pacifier happily. I smiled softly as I turned over on my side, feeling sleep start to take over. I felt Annabelle gently run her fingers through my hair after a bit.

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