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So I will be doing mass updates again, all within a few minutes of each other because it's easier for me to remember which story needs to be updated and that way, you all have to wait the same out of time on each story for me to upload it.

*Allison's P.O.V*

I found myself wrapped up in Maxon's embrace as he kept rocking me. I don't know what caused it but it seemed that I had slipped out of littlespace. I cleared my throat making him look at me in confusion as he stopped rocking me. "Does your throat hurt?" he asked.

"No, it's just that...I'm not little, I guess would be the way to say it," I stated making him nod as he let me go reluctantly. I scooted away from him and sat at the edge of the bed. "So that was...different then what I'm used to," I said as I looked down at my lap.

"Yeah, I'm sure it was. It's been a couple months since you've been little so I honestly expected you to be little longer," he stated. "But I guess since you've sort of reinvented yourself and the whole amnesia thing it was easier for you to get big again," he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.  

"Yeah, I guess that is it," I said as I shrugged my shoulders. "Still don't know about this whole little thing," I murmured as he sighed softly.

"Maybe we could bring back your memories?" He asked making me glance at him and raise an eyebrow. Annabelle was sitting at a vanity but got up and headed to the bed, sitting beside me. "What all do you remember?" he questioned me as Annabelle touched my hair, gently braiding a few strands of it.

"I remember names and that's about it. I remember the faces that go with names and also that you're my caregivers but that's it," I told him honestly.

"We can work with that," Annabelle stated as she continued to do little braids in my hair. "Do you remember Navi?" she questioned making me think for a second. I shook my head after a moment making Maxon frown.

"I took care of that little shit for months and she doesn't even remember her. I could of thrown it in the ocean," he muttered making Annabelle move her leg and kick him in the knee. "Disrespectful," he said.

"Navi is the kitten Maxon got you," Annabelle said as she got up and went to a trunk. She opened it up and pulled out a small framed picture. She brought it over to me and I stared at the little calico cat with a grin as I got memories of laying on the floor to play with her. 

"She's beautiful," I said as I took the picture frame and held it close. I looked up when I heard the door slam open. Sasha stood there before slamming the door shut and blocking it with her body. "You okay?" I asked.

"No! My grandmother is trying to beat my ass," Sasha said as she turned and locked the door.

"Yeah, what's the deal with that?" I asked making her frown.

"My parents weren't really ready to be parents when they had me and Zayne. They were both only sixteen and decided to put us up for adoption but my father's parents interrupted that and took us in. That way my parents could come see us but we would remain in my grandparents care," Sasha said. "When I was 14 I got into the wrong crowd. I stopped wanting to be the nice girl my grandparents raised and I broke their trust. I had started to drink and do other things and since they wanted to limit what allowance I had they said I would have to show them what I wanted and they would by it," she sighed. "I knew that they wouldn't by the things that I felt like I needed so I took expensive items from them and sold them for cash," she muttered.

"Damn Sash, I thought you were so against underage drinking and other stuff," I said.

"I am now but back then I was ignorant and wanted to do what I wanted," Sasha said. "My grandparents thought rehab would be the best thing for me and I couldn't do that. Zayne and I are twins, we grew up together. Our bedrooms were across the hallway from each other our whole lives. Rehab would put us thousands of miles apart because that's how far away the best rehab place is," she sighed softly.

"That must have been hard to deal with," Annabelle spoke up. Sasha nodded as she sat down on the floor in front of the door with a frown.

"It was especially for Zayne," Sasha said. "Zayne suggested that we leave so that we wouldn't have to be thousands of miles apart. We could handle being a part for a few miles but a few thousand miles was too much so I agreed," she shrugged. "I've been clean since I was seventeen and a half years now so I guess leaving was for the best," she stated.

"I'm glad you got better," I said as I went over to her and sat down by her. She rested her hear on my shoulder as she took her bracelet off, tapping the communication button.

"What's up?" Zayne's voice bubbled out of the bracelet making me roll my eyes.

"Guess who we forgot worked for the Supremes?" Sasha asked making him audibly pause for a moment.

"Oh shit. You ran into Grandma?" Zayne asked quietly.

"Yeah," Sasha sighed as she played with her hair. I reached up and ran my fingers through it making her smile and look at me.

"Sucks for you. I guess I'll swing by and save your ungrateful self from her," Zayne said making Sasha laugh.

"Sure baby bro like you could do that," she teased. "You always act like a kicked puppy when she gets onto you," she stated.

"Well I'm a big boy now," Zayne whined before hanging up making me burst into a fit of laughter. Sasha shook her head as she snickered softly.

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