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Migraines are the worst and they've kept me down for the last couple days so now that I'm better, here's an update. I am writing other chapters for other stories but just thought I would put this out so there's something new to read.

*Annabelle's P.O.V*

I looked down at Allison and stroked her hair, sighing contently as she nuzzled into me in her sleep. I looked up when I heard a soft knock on the door and gently pried Allison off me before putting a pillow in my place. I quietly made my way to the door and opened the door slowly.

"Hey Maddison," I said softly as I shut the door behind me. "Can I help you?" I asked as I leaned against the door.

"Yeah actually. You remember a few months ago when Allison got shot and ran off during the attack?" she questioned, making me nod slightly. "I um...what if something like that happens again? I am worried about her," she stated. I let out a small breath as I nodded.

"I am as well," I stated. "I have had a lot of time to reflect though so I don't think she would ever do anything like that again," I said as I frowned slightly.

"Yeah, I know," she said as she nodded her head. "I want to apologize to her for raising my voice then as well," she said.

"She is asleep right now. She seems to be sleeping a lot more than normal," I said. "I think she has just exhausted herself from slipping in and out of little space. I also feel like you apologizing would be the best for all of us as it would help build a relationship for you two," I stated.

"Well when she wakes up may I apologize?" she questioned.

"I think you can apologize when she wakes up," I said with a small smile on my lips before I felt something stir inside me. I coughed and quickly covered my mouth as I turned away.

"Are you alright?" Maddison asked as she put her hand on my shoulder. I nodded as I took a deep breath before I ended up coughing again. "I don't think you are," she said as she looked at me with concern. "Here take a seat," she said as she tried to get me to sit down.

"I am fine," I said as I wiped my mouth with my sleeve. I folded my sleeve over to hide the blood drops as I looked at her and straightened up. "Just think that it may be a seasonal bug," I lied.

"You are a terrible liar," she said as she shook her head. "What's wrong with you?" she questioned.

"Many things," I chuckled with a small smile. "Seriously though, it is nothing too serious," I said.

"I will tell your mother that you're ill and I bet you are keeping it from her," she said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"You would not," I said as I narrowed my eyes with a small frown on my lips. I gasped when she turned around and stalked off in the direction of my parent's room. "Don't you dare," I said as I followed her for a few steps. "I can't just leave Allison to chase you down," I said with a huff.

"Oh well that sucks for you," she said as she turned around and smirked at me before turning around to continue walking. I glared at her before I entered the bedroom Maxon and I were staying in. I locked the door before going back to the bed and sitting next to Alison. I gently ran my fingers through her hair as I kissed the top of her head.

"Your mother is a something that I won't say," I muttered as I bit my bottom lip gently. I heard the door knob rattle and tensed up, waiting until it stopped after a moment. I sighed as I heard footsteps fade away and wrapped my arms around Allison, braiding her hair gently.

"Mommy," she whined as she squirmed in her sleep and turned to me, nuzzling her face in my breasts.

"Poor baby," I murmured as I cooed softly at her while patting her bottom. I heard footsteps and ignored it, figuring that it was just someone walking by. I heard the door knob turn and heard it click as it opened. I carefully sat up and turned around, my eyes widening when I saw my mother in the doorway. "How did you get a key?" I asked quietly as I threw a pillow at her.

"I am your mother, I just had to ask the queen for one," she said as she caught the pillow. "So you are sick? And you weren't going to tell me you brat?" she asked as she walked over and hit me with the pillow. I grabbed it and tried to pull the pillow away, I gently pulled away from Allison so as to not wake her up.

"I did not think you needed to know. It's just a seasonal bug," I shrugged dismissively as I looked at her.

"What season?" she asked. "Because it's always warm here and we've been here for the past couple weeks. You hardly ever went outside nor interacted with anyone besides Maxon and he has a weaker immune system then you so he would have caught it as well," she said as I got up.

"I said I am fine, mother," I said as I rolled my eyes and walked past her. She grabbed my arm and spun me around, making me look at her.

"Do not lie to me," she said as she frowned. "Because you are lying to me and you are probably lying to Allison," she stated.

"It is nothing," I said as I pulled away and sat down at my vanity. "Nothing that can't be helped with a little medicine anyways," I said as I drummed my fingers on the wood for a moment. "Just drop it okay?" I said.

"I am your mother, the last thing I am going to do when you are ill is drop it," she said as she stood behind me, playing with my hair.

"I'll be fine. You always stress over such little things," I said as I tilted my head back to look up at her. "Don't you have Michelle to fuss over?" I questioned, making her chuckle.

"I do but I don't want either of you to feel like I'm picking favorites," she said. "You need to rest, I don't want you exerting yourself too much," she said.

"I thought as a mother you weren't supposed to have favorites," I stated as I rolled my eyes, making her flick the back of my head.

"I would say I don't have favorites but I would be lying," she stated. "I won't tell you which one of you is my favorite though," she murmured as she kissed the top of my head after smoothing my hair down.

"I feel like the child who became a queen should be the favorite although I may be a little bit biased," I said as I nibbled my bottom lip. She chuckled as she rested her chin on the top of my head.

"I think you're a little bit more than biased," she murmured. "You need to rest," she said. "So rest or I'll break your kneecaps," she stated.

"So violent," I laughed as I shook my head before she left the room.

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