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*Allison's P.O.V*

I decided to lay low while Annabelle and Maxon calmed down. I went to my favorite hiding spot that I had found, one of the lower branches of the oak trees that surrounded the castle. I had to set Navi down to climb up there but she could just climb up after me. I leaned against the back of the tree, straddling the branch to keep from falling.

Navi brushed against my arm as she meowed for attention. I gently stroked down her back, earning a soft purr from her. She allowed me to pet me before she got upset and attacked my hand, it seemed like she was trying to rip my fingers off. She jumped over me to continue climbing up the tree.

"I wish that I had never got a cat," I said pointedly after her, rolling my eyes when a twig fell and hit my shoulder. "Fight me," I muttered as I glared at Navi who disappeared up into the higher branches of the tree.

I closed my eyes as I leaned back, putting my hands behind my head. The bark of the tree dug into my skin, making me wince slightly. I listened to the sounds of people moving around the castle grounds as I drifted off to sleep. I dozed off within a few minutes as I felt a wave of calm wash over me.

I felt like I was floating, surrounded by an inky blackness. I frowned in confusion as orbs circled around me before one bumped into me. My stomach dropped as I was pulled somewhere before it stopped abruptly.

I frowned when I saw myself but it was a much younger version of myself. Younger me was frozen in place in mid step as she was going up the stairs. I went over and touched her shoulder. Or was it my shoulder since it was my memory? There was a soft whooshing sound and I found myself reliving the memory.

"Allison, Allison you are going to get caught," Tyler hissed from right behind me. I continued my way up the stairs, running up them when I heard Tyler climbing up behind me. I found myself in the familiar sitting room area of our home as I went to the boarded up window.

I lifted up my hand and saw that there was a hammer in it. I used the back of the hammer to pull the nails out of the board that barricaded off the window. I let the nails fall on the floor, not caring if someone stepped on them. I winced when the board fell and hit my toes, a whimper escaping my lips.

"Allison stop," Tyler grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I ignored him, pulling away as I stared outside. "The board is off, give me the hammer please," he said as he wrapped his hand over mine until I released the hammer. He pulled it away as I moved to the window. The pain in my feet was something I barely noticed as I got to see the outside world for the first time. I had only got glimpses before but now I could see without any obstructions in the way.

"It's beautiful," I whispered as Tyler stepped behind me. He had seen the outside world before, he was allowed out while I was trapped here as a prisoner behind these concrete walls. He pulled the window open and a breeze blew my hair into my face. I laughed as I took a breath of the deep air before blowing my hair out of my face. The air smelled crisp and fresh compared to the damp air of this prison that I had to live in.

The memory ended abruptly and I found myself floating again. I landed in the middle of another memory and smiled at the one that I had managed to end up in.

"You are really getting quite good at baking," the voice of Rosey said from behind me. I jumped in surprise as I turned to look at her before I rushed over and threw my arms around her. "Hey kiddo," she said as she ran her hand through my wavy hair.

"You're back, I missed you so much," I informed her as I looked up at the old woman. She was the first person I had met outside of the apartment and lived right across the street. She had found me wandering the street one day and had decided to take me in whenever I managed to get a few days away from Tyler's dad.

"I missed you too kiddo," she laughed as she smiled softly. "Now go back to your baking, I am quite famished and I plan on stealing some of what you make," she advised me.

"I am making chocolate chip muffins," I said as I pulled away and went back to the batter I was currently mixing.

"My favorite," she smiled as she dipped her finger into the batter and tasted it. "Not quite as good as mine though," she teased as I huffed, flicking some of the batter onto her shirt.

The memory ended abruptly and I was thrust into another memory without another word.

"Stand up," Amanda commanded as she glared down at me. I huffed as I pushed myself up, my muscles throbbing from exertion. "We are going again in 3...2...1," she counted down and as soon as she said 3, she was moving again. I dodged back, moving my feet backwards which proved to be a mistake.

She managed to get her foot behind me and knocked me down. I glared at her smirking face and kicked my leg up towards her stomach which allowed her to grab my leg with ease. I had planned for this though and rolled, sweeping my free leg under her legs. She was brought down to the ground and I moved to go backwards but instead launched myself forward.

I landed on top of her and received a punch to the face which sent my head snapping back. I groaned as I felt the familiar cold metal of her dagger against my neck.

"You win," I said reluctantly, admitting my defeat. The dagger was removed and I stood up slowly, massaging my sore face.

"I always do blondie," she said with a brief smile. "What do I have to do to motivate you kid?" she questioned which made me shrug.

"I really don't know," I answered as I looked at the ground with a sigh.

"Family," she muttered, which made me look at her. "Pretend you are protecting your family. Pretend that that boy you are always with is the one who could get hurt or that Rosey lady," she stated. I narrowed my eyes at the thought of either of them getting hurt.

"Let's go again, now," I demanded as I adjusted my stance and glared at her with a newfound determination.

I felt something warm on my lap and looked down, yelping in surprise when there was a sharp pain in my legs. I was thrown out of the memory and found myself back in the tree, Navi in my lap and sharpening her claws on my legs.

"Brat," I muttered as I glared at her before I ran my hand down her fur. The last memory stuck with me and I looked up, staring at the castle. I may not have Rosey or Tyler to protect anymore but I still had a family, a family that needed me. A family that I would do anything to protect.

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