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I'll be doing a mass upload today which means each of my stories is going to be updated within a few minutes of each other.

Also I have started to co write a book with YporquenoCom called the biggest Puppy. Go check it out on her profile.

*Allison's P.O.V*

"What's a black mamba Amma?" I asked as I pet the snake's head slightly. It seemed to almost be purring as it wrapped itself around my arm and went all the way up to my neck, doing a little U shape so that it's head hung off my shoulder to face May.

"It's a very venomous snake," she replied as she moved towards me. The snake hissed and lashed out at her, stopping short as she backed away. "Can you put the snake down sweetheart?" she asked me. I shrugged and lifted it's head up, setting the front part of its body down back in the glass case it came from. It's tongue flicked out and it slithered off of me. 

"I like him, he's nice. I'm gonna call him...Banana," I told May once the snake had slithered off of me completely and was in it's case.

"Weird name for a thing that's grey but you do you child," she said as she walked over and picked me up, sighing softly as she held me close. "Your mama and mommy would have killed me if I let you get bit by that thing. I think we should go in," she stated making me pout slightly. 

"I don't want to go in," I whined as she carried me out of the cool private zoo. I wanted to keep Banana, he was nice and pretty cool. 

"Well too bad missy, your mommy's missing you," I heard Elena say making me look up and see her standing in the doorway that led to the inside of the castle. 

"Hi grammy," I waved to her vigorously and May handed me over to her. I bounced happily in her arms as she tried to talk to May, her voice finally stopping once she realized I was gonna keep bouncing whenever she talked.

"Let's go see your mommy so I can talk to May in peace," she said making me giggle happily as I clapped.

"I win, I win," I said making her laugh as she carried me inside. "I win," I told her again making her smile softly as she kissed my cheek.

"Yes you did win," she said as she carried me up a long flight of stairs. I nuzzled into her as she walked down a long hallway, entering a room to her right.

"Mother, some warning would have been nice. I'm indecent, I don't have my socks on," I heard Maxon say making me look at him curiously. He was still dressed like earlier except the fact that his shoes and socks were off.

"Oh my god. Not wearing socks does not mean you're indecent," she said as she carried me over the bed and set me down. I looked at Maxon as he put on socks, giggling softly.

"This is not funny," he said making me giggle harder as I flopped back on the bed with a small smile on my lips. "Shush," he said as he reached over and pulled the blanket over me, wrapping me up in it.

"Let me go," I whined and wriggled around with a pout on my lips. "Grammy help me," I whined making her laugh as she unwrapped me and picked me up, shushing me softly as I glared at Maxon. "I want mommy," I said.

"Come here baby," I heard Annabelle say making me look to see her. She was peering out of the bathroom door. I scrambled out of Elena's hold and ran to the door. She opened the door enough to let me in and then shut it.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I looked at herm she had a towel wrapped around her and her hair was wet. "You take a bath?" I questioned her as I tilted my head.

"Yeah baby, mommy just got out of the bath," she said as she tilted her head down and wrapped a towel around her head.

"Why'd you take a bath?" I asked as I sat on the edge of the bathtub. It was slippery and I would have fallen back if Annabelle hadn't grabbed me.

"Careful baby," she cooed as she pulled me up. "Face the wall baby, Mommy needs to get dressed," she said. I turned and looked at the wall, shutting my eyes too.

I heard the sound of rustling fabric behind me as Annabelle got dressed. It took a few minutes before she said I could turn around. I turned around my jaw dropped.

She was wearing a tight black dress that had a diamond cut out that showed her breasts off.

"What do you think?" She asked as she spun in a small circle.

"No," I said as I grabbed her arm, earning a look from her. "No show my milky," I said as I covered up the diamond cut with my hands making her laugh softly as she pushed my hands away.

"Sweetheart, only breasts are showing and the parts that are showing are not where you get your milky," she explained making me whine louder.

"No show any boobies, they have milky in them so they are mine," I said as I climbed up onto her, hiding the cutout in her dress.

"Well mommy wants to show her breasts so she can missy," Annabelle said as she opened the door and carried me back into their bedroom.

"Daddy tell mommy to cover her boobies up," I whined as I got out of her hold and ran to Maxon. "She's showing where my milky isssss," I said frustrated as I kicked the ground.

"Sorry baby but mommy wears what she wants," he told me as he pulled me close.

"No fair, my milky," I grumbled making him chuckle as he rocked back and forth with a small hum. I pouted and muttered under my breath about how stupid and unfair they were to me.

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