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*Allison's P.O.V*

I looked down at the letter in my hands and carefully ripped it open, pulling the piece of paper out after a moment. I opened it, reading over it with a frown on my lips. I felt Annabelle's eyes on me and I looked up at her reassuringly, a small smile on my lips.

"It's a letter from my guild, they want me to go on a mission in two months time," I stated as I played with the edge of the letter, the rough feel of the paper soothing me slightly. Annabelle frowned slightly as she bit her bottom lip.

"Will it be safe?" Annabelle asked as her lips parted slightly in a frown. I scooted over to sit by her, noticing that it was only me and her left in the room now.

"I'm going to be honest with you, there is never a guarantee that it will be safe," I answered as I looked down at my lap. "I am an assassin after all," I stated with a small frown on my lips.

"I know but I worry," Annabelle said as she gently brushed a strand of hair out of my face. "Promise that you'll try and be safe, we only just got you back and I am so afraid of losing you," she whispered. I looked at her with a small smile as I leaned against her, resting my head on her shoulder.

"I promise," I reassured her, tilting my head as I looked at her with a small smile. "You know why they call me Allure right?" I asked. She shook her head, her forehead wrinkling with her confusion. "Because I was supposedly alluring to the victims, I'm supposed to get them alone so they can be assassinated. I don't think I'm alluring, I think I'm just manipulative and I feel bad, am I bad person Annabelle?" I asked as I looked at her, a small frown marring my lips.

Annabelle bit her bottom lip in thought, tilting her head slightly. "Follow me," she said as she stood up, offering me her hand. I accepted her hand, following her in confusion. She led me down a few twisting hallways, stopping at a door and opening it. I followed her inside and realized it was Maxon's office.

"How can I help you?" Maxon asked before he looked up. "Annie, you've come to visit me. I have missed you so much in the past 20 minutes since I saw you," he said, yelping when she grabbed a pen off of his desk and threw it at him.

"Be serious for once," she said as she sat down on his desk, pulling me close. "Allison asked if she was a bad person for manipulating people to get them alone to be assassinated, tell her how to view it," she stated. I looked at Maxon in confusion who looked at me reassuringly.

"If you knew that I've killed people whose only crime was to offend my wife, to insult her, objectively with only knowing that you would say I am a bad person. If you also knew that I also built homes for the homeless, made food more accessible, funded the orphanage with my family's, not the kingdom's, money I don't sound so bad do I?" he asked as I shook my head.

"No, you don't sound so bad but I haven't done any of those things," I whispered with a small frown.

"You befriended the queen of the kingdom despite people's words that she was cruel and heartless, you put your life at risk to defend two royal families," Maxon pointed out. "Knowing those things, do we think you are a bad person?" he asked. "No, we don't because you aren't a bad person. You have done a few things that are considered bad but you are not a bad person because you have too kind of a heart to be a bad person," he stated.

"You're right," I whispered as I smiled hesitantly while looking at Annabelle who smiled softly at me.

"Do you know why I mentioned those things I did?" he asked.

"No," I shook my head.

"I mentioned them because I've done them in the last year, I did them because I met you," Maxon said as he looked down at his desk. "I did them because you opened my eyes to something that I didn't know of even though I ruled this kingdom for over a decade," he stated. "You stole those things to feed children at an orphanage who should have been cared for by the workers there. When they weren't taken care of you, you stepped up even though you had nothing," he said. Tears pricked my eyes and I felt Annabelle's arms wrap around me.

"Can I see the orphanage?" I asked softly. "I want to see how the kids are doing?" I questioned.

"Quite a few of the kids have been placed in foster homes so a few of the ones you know might not be there but we could go visit tomorrow if you wished," Maxon stated. I nodded my head as I looked at Annabelle who kissed the top of my head.

"Thank you," I whispered as she squeezed me tightly. I leaned into her hug as she hummed happily. "I have a mission in two months time," I told Maxon who frowned and nodded his head.

"Do you mind if I send a guard to accompany you?" he questioned with a small frown. I shook my head as I relaxed into Annabelle's hold.

"Your wife is cutting off my breathing," I whispered, making Annabelle release her hold after a moment as she hummed in apology. She kissed the top of my forehead as she turned me to face her. "Thank you," I laughed as I hopped onto my tippy toes to kiss her cheek.

"Too sweet," Maxon gagged as he stuck his tongue out. I giggled at the look on his face as Annabelle threw another pen at him. "I need those, stop throwing them at me woman," he said, getting out of his seat quickly when she approached him. "I'll jump out the window," he warned as he backed up the window.

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