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Allison's Dress^^

Also just remember if your dog ever annoys you, just know mine was left home alone one night and chose to rip up the carpet instead of playing with his multiple toys!

*Allison's P.O.V*

I ruffled my hair as I we walked up the long steps to the palace. We had only just arrived at our new base camp before we had to go get ready which had taken forever. I did like the dress I had been given, it made me feel like a princess. 

"I don't know if I can go through with with this," Zayne whispered as we neared the top of the stairs, our arms looped together.

"It's like you to choke once you make it to the balls," I whispered as we walked to the guards. They studied us both and they seemed to be reluctant to let us in, noticing Penelope who was clinging to my free hand. She had begged to go so Sasha had allowed her since it would help since no one knew much about the couple we were posing as. I glared at the guards and pulled Penelope close.

"I would appreciate it if you would not stare at my daughter like that," I said as Zayne headed the guards our fake IDs. They looked them over and scanned them before handing them back. I followed Zayne in, my hands resting on Penelope's shoulders.

"This place is big," Penelope muttered, hearing all the voices and echoes from the ballroom.

"Yeah," I said as I nodded. I couldn't imagine how overwhelming that was for her as she couldn't see. We entered the ballroom and I looked at Zayne who leaned in and pretended to kiss the side of my head.

"Watch the windows, I'll try and get close to the Supremes," he said making me nod. "If I can't then we'll switch out because Penelope will probably give you a better cover and make you look less threatening," he murmured before walking off.

"Let's go look around mom," Penelope said as she held my hand. I smiled slightly as I squeezed her hand and slipped through the crowd, grabbing a glass of champagne with my free hand. I sipped it as I eyed the royal familys. They all looked strange but a few seemed to stand out to me for some reason. 

I shook it off and scanned the windows. Do these people want to get assassinated? Most of their windows were just regular glass. They should have reinforced or at least stained glass so people would have a hard time looking in. 

"I can't get close," Zayne said as he came back to me and Penelope. "Leave Pen with me for now and try to get close. If things happen then I'll keep her safe," he stated softly making me nod. I moved towards the back of the room. They really did have a nice set up, a semi-circle of thrones arranged. Of course the biggest and best thrones were for the Supreme royal family. Kind of funny that their last name was Supreme and they ruled over the entire world. I frowned slightly as I looked at the empty throne in the Supreme section.

The Supremes rarely had daughters so when previous king and queen had two children that were both females they were widely celebrated. The current ruling queen proved how rare girls were when she had eleven sons and not a daughter in sight. The younger sister had one child, a girl, but hadn't lived to see her having died during child birth. The girl was never seen again after that as her father and stepped in and denied the Supremes the chance to be in his daughters life. 'God now I feel bad. This is why I can't read books about people that are alive cause then I feel bad every time something bad had happened,' I thought to myself.

I eyed the rest of the royal family's, my gaze stopping on a woman who seemed familiar. She certainly didn't look her best seeing as she had bags under her eyes and she was frowning. Her mouth hardly moved as she talked. Almost as if sensing my gaze, her head turned and she stared at me. 

I stared up at the woman who was fixing a sleeve on my dress. "Mommy it wasn't my fault. It was Grant's. He thought it was good," my voice whined.

"I told you not to go out by the pasture when you were not with me or daddy," the woman said as she held me close, looking down at me. "Now if you want to keep being naughty and disobeying me then I'm sure you would love for me to...I don't know...not give you milky," she threatened. For some reason that sent a bolt of fear through me and I fell to my knees with my hands clasped in front of me.

"Please mommy, I want milky. You can't take that away from me," I begged making her laugh and bend down, picking me up.

"I would never Alli," she said while bouncing me slightly.

I snapped out of it to realize that the woman was watching me with narrowed eyes. She moved to get up making me turn and head back to Zayne and Penelope. "I think I just had a fucking flashback," I whispered to him frantically.

"Really? Why?" he asked making me glance towards the thrones.

"Because I looked at the brown haired lady with freckles and I felt like I was in a different place and it was a memory," I whispered.

"Queen Annabelle? I doubt you had any relations with her in your past life. She's the worst of the worse with caring for people. Snaps at everyone you know," he said.

"She wasn't like that in my memory. Whatever, did you spot our guy?" I asked as I shook my head.

"No, I haven't seen anyone," he murmured.

'Guys I'm sending you an image on your necklaces. Find a place where you won't be seen and study their photos,' Sasha's voice rang in my head. I nodded and took my necklace off, holding it in my hand. I crouched down and made it seem like I was fixing Penelope's dress as I activated the necklace making a light glow out. Three pictures went by one at a time and Zayne nodded as he moved off. I deactivated my necklace and put it back on quickly while looking around as I stood up. My eyes narrowed as I spotted one of the guys and I headed over to him.

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