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Not a chapter with little Allison but I wanted to do some more bonding with big Allison and Annabelle.

*Allison's P.O.V*

I started my way back to Annabelle and Maxon's room, pausing at their door. It was almost like a sense of familiarity which wasn't something I was used to. I had never felt like some place was home and the castle was starting to feel like it.

I shook my head as I entered the bedroom, going to collapse onto their bed. I laid sprawled out on their bed. I laid the blanket over me, laying so that one of my legs wasn't under the blanket.

I pulled Annabelle's pillow close and inhaled the sweet scent of perfume. It smelt nice and even better it felt like home. I closed my eyes as I got comfortable, settling down to take a nap.

When I woke up it was because Annabelle was muttering to herself. I lifted my head up to find her sitting at her vanity, flipping through papers.

"You sound insane," I said quietly, catching her attention. She smiled at me as I rubbed my eyes, slowly climbing out of bed. I walked over to her, sighing tiredly when she pulled me onto her lap.

"Hello my little baby," Annabelle cooed, ignoring the flush on my cheeks as she cooed over me. I whined as I buried my head into her neck. "Fussy baby," she murmured as she wrapped one of her arms around me.

"Not fussy," I muttered in protest as I took in the smell of her perfume. I had long since accepted her calling me baby, it was just a nickname to me at this point. Besides, I didn't mind being her baby.

"You sound fussy," Annabelle laughed as she kissed the top of my head. "That's just because you're tired though huh?" It was framed as more of a statement than a question.

"My stomach hurts," I muttered as I rested my head on her shoulder to look up at her. it was true, my stomach was hurting.

"I'm sorry darling, do you want some medicine?" Annabelle asked as she rubbed my back. My nose wrinkled at the thought of taking medicine.

"No thanks," I said as I leaned into her hand. Her nails scratched my back lightly and I groaned contentedly.

"I have work I need to do," Annabelle said after scratching my back for a few moments. I stood up, huffing when she swatted my bottom playfully.

"Assault," I whined as I flopped down dramatically at her feet. She rolled her eyes and let me rest my head on her legs, watching as she signed documents.

"Poor baby," Annabelle muttered as I stuck my tongue out at her. She raised an eyebrow, laughing when I scooted away from her. Her foot tapped my leg and I pulled her shoe off, laughing at the look of confusion on her face.

"Brat," she muttered under her breath while shaking her head.

"Bossy pants," I retorted as I tossed her shoe at her. She barely managed to knock it away, narrowing her eyebrows at me as she rubbed her arm. "Didn't do it," I said quickly as I stood up, deciding now would probably be a good time to leave her alone.

I hurried to the bathroom, shutting the door and locking it behind. I decided now would be a good time to take a shower to let Annabelle calm down. I stripped down, pausing for a moment when I removed my underwear.

I bit my bottom lip as I hesitantly unlocked the door, opening it up slightly. I peeked out the door as I tried to determine how to ask my question.

"Annabelle?" I said quietly, catching the older woman's attention. She looked up from her work, her face showing concern when she saw me peeking out from behind the door.

"What's wrong Alli?" she asked as she put her work down.

"I'm...I'm bleeding," I whispered, my cheeks flushed. She startled for a moment before getting up.

"Do you mean you've got your period?" she asked softly.

"I..I don't know. I've never had one before," I muttered. She made her way over to the door and I let her in, crossing my arms over my chest.

"It's just your period darling," Annabelle reassured me quickly. "Do you want to take a shower?" she questioned when she saw the blood on my thighs. I nodded my head quickly as I worried my bottom lip between my teeth.

"How come I'm getting it now? I've never had one before," I muttered as Annabelle started the water, giving it some time to warm up.

"Can I give you my best guess darling?" Annabelle asked, looking at me for my permission. I nodded my head quickly. "I think you were too malnourished before now. I assume you've been eating everyday with your guild?" she questioned.

"Yeah, at least twice a day," I murmured.

"Since your body is now getting the nutrients it needs every single day, it means your body can operate as it should," Annabelle said. That made sense, I supposed but I still didn't like it.

"I don't like having it, my stomach hurts," I said as I pouted slightly.

"I know darling," Annabelle said as she turned the shower on. I hurried to get into it, sinking down to sit under the shower of water. "Oh hell," she cursed under her breath.

"What?" I asked as I looked at Annabelle, she had never cursed like that before.

"I just realized that if you slip, little Allison is going to be so very upset having a sore tummy," Annabelle sighed as she ran a hand through my hair. I leaned into her touch as I watched the water swirl around the drain.

"What if I just don't slip?" I asked as I looked up at her.

"Do you really think you can manage not slipping for a few days?" Annabelle asked honestly. I thought about it for a moment before shaking my head.  There was no way I would be able to stop myself from slipping for that long.

"Sucks for you I guess," I muttered, giggling at the frown on her lips as she rolled her eyes. I closed my eyes, letting the warm water wash over me as Annabelle worked shampoo into my hair.

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