Kaito Momota X GN!Reader ☁️ I Can't Hear You

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Kaito Momota X GenderNeautral!Deaf!Reader
Requested by PotatoToddler


Y/N L/N, the ultimate seamst/er/ress. They were stunning, and were very good at their handywork. But, there was one thing; They couldn't hear. They saw people's mouth's pointlessly moving in front of them, but they just pointed to their ears and shook their head. At this point, everyone had figured out that they couldn't speak or hear, but they could write notes to people, and was learning to talk. It usually just sounded like babbling, though. The only person they felt they'd really made friends with was Kaito, however. He was always very patient with them, and even though a little over enthusiastic, he usually made them laugh.

They walked into the cafeteria in the morning. One of the monokubs always had to manually wake them up, seeing as they never heard the announcements. Immediately, Kokichi came bounding up to them. He was saying something very excitedly, jumping up and down and practically waving his hands around like a maniac. "Huh? Uhh... a..." Y/N then gave up and shrugged. They saw Miu sigh and walked over to them, then, Miu placed something in their hand. They looked down. A hearing aid? They'd already explained to them that they'd tried them before, and nothing worked. Miu just motioned to their ear, then rolled her eyes, and took it out of their hand, walking over to them and inserting it herself. "That should do it. Can you hear me now?" Said a... wait... "Huh? Ah- AH!" They scared themself. "Hey guys, we should be careful, it is their first time hearing." "Gonta agrees with Tenko. Y/N looks scared." "I would have used my magic to heal them, but I knew we could use something else." "Y/N- are you alright?" They looked at the person in front of them, Kaito. They slowly nodded, then looked at Miu. "Uhm.. Thank... You?" They pointed, not sure they'd said the right thing. "Oh my god, they CAN talk!" "Kokichi don't be rude!" "Sorry Kirumi." "Awesome!" Yelled Kaito, immediately hugging Y/N tightly. They smiled and hugged back.

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