☁️ Study Date Pt.2 || Korekiyo X Fem!Reader

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I just re-read the first one of this and had an inspiration to do a part two sooo... here yall go ig

Also it's half term in this shot. If you don't know what that is, it's a British school holiday-

Y/N woke up, comfortably warm, and with her lower regions aching slightly. She didn't want to move from there. Korekiyo was still asleep, and had his arms firmly clasped around the girl. Y/N didn't get a proper chance to look at his face the night before, as they were too caught up in the moment. She felt her heart beat faster as she fully realised how truly handsome he was.

Kiyo moved a little, and he opened his eyes, looking at Y/N. "Good morning, petal. How do you feel?" She blushed at the nickname. "I feel fine, Kiyo." Y/N smiled, and moved forward a little so their lips came into contact. She could feel Kiyo smile into the kiss. He pulled away. "We should get ready for the day. If you get home too late, your sister will be worried." Y/N nodded in agreement.

Kiyo moved over, getting out of his bed and going to his wardrobe, getting out a clean pair of boxers and putting them on. Y/N looked around for her undergarments, and found them. She pulled on her pants and fastened the binder in front of Kiyo's mirror. Kiyo pulled on some socks and a pair of trousers, then walked over to Y/N, hugging her from behind. "My down below hurts a little.." the girl whined, and blushed a little. "Sorry about that," Kiyo chuckled, handing her her shirt.

After the two had got dressed, they went downstairs, deciding to fix something up for breakfast. Kiyo made up some toast, and handed it to Y/N, putting a couple of jams and spreads on the table.

After eating, a comfortable silence floated through the room as Y/N checked her phone. "Uhh.. Kiyo? I've just realised something.." "hm?" He looked up. "We didn't use protection last night.." "Ah.." Kiyo sat up on his chair slightly. "Well, if you start getting some symptoms, maybe take a pregnancy test in a few days. It takes no longer then that to give accurate results." Y/N nodded in agreement.

Timeskip sponsored by Kurai's big bitties
(If you know you know.)

Y/N arrived home, and Kirumi was sitting at the kitchen table, having just made pancakes. "Hello Y/N! How was your sleepover with Korekiyo?" "It was fine. He mostly just ranted about anthropology stuff.." the girl said as she made a cup of tea. Y/N wasn't going to flat-out lie, but definitely wasn't going to tell her sister the real events of the night before. "And uh.. he kissed me." "Sure you didn't do anything more then kissing?" "What? No! Of course not!" "Might wanna check the mirror, sweetie." Said Kirumi, looking back at the newspaper and taking a tail of tea.

Y/N ran to the mirror in the hallway, and sure enough, one of the love-bites Kiyo had given her the night before was showing. Y/N went red, and pulled her collar up a little, and walked back into the kitchen. "If you had sex, Y/N, you can tell me. We're both mature enough to-" "don't just say it like that! It makes it sound weird!" Kirumi chuckled. "Well, as long as you used protection."
"..." "Y/N M/N Tojo, what am I going to do with you..." the grey-haired girl sighed, and looked back at her paper. Just tell me if anything starts happening."

Over the next two weeks, Y/N's fears had started to come true. She'd felt nauseous, had weird cravings, and felt ill overall. She'd taken four tests, all positive. She was scared about it, yes, but she was even more scared about telling Kiyo. And everyone else.

Y/N had told Kirumi, and she had been supportive so far. But the grey-haired girl kept pushing for Y/N to tell everyone, because rather sooner then later, she quoted. Y/N finally got the mental strength to text Kiyo, and ask if she could come over to talk. He agreed.

Y/N wore casual clothes this time, and her hands wouldn't stop shaking as she walked to his house. When she arrived, it took her about five minutes to well up the courage to knock on the door. Kiyo opened it. "Hello, Y/N. Whatever's the matter? You look pale. Come in." He opened the door fully, and Y/N stepped inside. "No-one's home, so we're alone again. Especially for the privacy of this 'talk,' it seemed slightly urgent," he said, and the girl nodded. He led the two up to his room.

Kiyo closed to door behind him, and sat on his bed. Y/N did the same. "So, Kiyo.. uh.. I needed to talk to you about something quite serious. Y-you don't have to be involved at all If you don't want to be, I understand. I just.. I just want you to appreciate that I got the courage to admit this." She took a deep breath.

"Un..fortunately, my worst fear came true.. I'm pregnant. B-before you say anything, yes, I'm scared, but also yes, I'm going to keep it. I wouldn't be able to stand the thought of getting rid of it."

Kiyo's eyes widened slightly as the words sunk in. He quickly pulled Y/N into a hug, and buried his face in her neck. "You seriously think I wouldn't want to be involved? Insane. I love you too much to abandon you like that, especially at a time like this.. and the fact that you're continuing humanity's ever-going cycle of human reproduction to continue our race.. just makes me love you even more. humanity truly is beautiful."

Y/N giggled slightly and kissed Kiyo on the cheek. "I love you too, never leave me." "I promise I won't."

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