I missed you || Ryoma Hoshi 🥀☁️ GN reader

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Ryoma Hoshi X GenderNeautral!Reader


Y/N sat alone in the corner, their breathing normal. But their hair was tangled, their clothes were ripped, their hands were bound together with rope, tape was covering their mouth, and they had bags under their eyes, along with several million cuts and bruises. They had given up on escape. How, did Y/N L/N, the ultimate Stuntist, get stuck in a situation like this? They sighed, and flopped onto the floor, letting sleep overtake them.

They were awoken later by noises. "TOKYO PD! OPEN UP!" They let out a muffled screech as a team of police burst into the room and pinned and handcuffed the kidnapper onto the floor. "It's the kid, officer, get them!" Y/N felt their self being unroped and the tape being taken off their mouth as they were taken to an ambulance, passing out in the process.

Hospital waiting room

The teens all sat in silence. For the past five months, Y/N had been missing, and they were finally found. But, they were deeply unconscious. Shuichi had helped on the case himself. Even the others tried to pitch in, despite knowing nothing about being a detective.

They had eventually proved everything together and found them, and the class were all dead worried about them. Kaede and Gonta were currently arguing with a nurse about going to see them. Everyone noticed, however, when it was announced they knew where Y/N was, Ryoma hadn't said a single word for four hours. Only answering in shaking his head, nodding or shrugging.

They all knew Y/N and Ryoma were very close, and it must be hard for him to accept that they'd been gone for so long. A doctor entered the room along with Gonta and Kaede. "One person can come and see them. Someone calm, they're very tense at the moment." "I'll go." Everyone turned to Ryoma in slight surprise as her followed the doctor out of the room. The doctor opened a door to let Ryoma in, closing it behind him.

Ryoma looked over at Y/N, who looked very weak, and was hooked up to a couple of machines. "H-hey," they said, smiling slightly, and trying to sit up. "Don't move, you'll overexourt yourself." Ryoma walked up to the bed and jumped up, hugging Y/N. "I'm glad you're ok." "I missed you a-a lot," they said scratchily. Ryoma didn't reply, just made sure Y/N was comfortable. The two sat there in a comfortable, warm silence, savouring the moments of each other's company. Y/N smiled and weakly hugged Ryoma back, getting into a more comfortable position. They sat there and eventually both fell into a deep sleep.

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