HeadCannon ~ 1

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Headcannon- what kind of friend they would be

I'm only doing the first game so tell me if you guys want the other two


Leon Kuwata-
Leon's the jokey friend that doesn't take a lot seriously, but he's there for you when you need him. He loves to listen to music, so will usually ask if said person wants to just relax and listen to music together for a while.

Trust level- 7/10

Chihiro Fujisaki-
Chihiro isn't the best at keeping secrets, not because he's a bad friend, just because he accidentally blurts stuff out a lot. Overall, he's fun to be around and he enjoys whatever you enjoy, he doesn't ever argue or make a fuss, even if it's something he hates. He always tries to please others.

Trust level- 6/10

Mondo Owada-
Mondo's the violent overprotective friend. Like if someone insults you or even gives you a judging look, he'll flip and all hell will be set loose. He does have a soft side when it comes to his friends. If he can see one of his friends is upset, he'll try and cheer them up. If one of his closer friends are upset, as long as no one is around he'll give them a bear hug. This guy gives amazing hugs.

Trust level- 8/10

Kiyotaka Ishimaru-
He's the tactical, organised friend. Like whenever there's a hangout, if you're even one second late he'll give you a lecture. But, overall he's a fun person to be around. He refuses for anyone to tell him secrets, as he feels guilty carrying other people's private information. But, he is a great person to be around if you're forgetful. He reminds you of EVERYTHING.

Trust level- 6/10

Hifumi Yamada-
He's the questionable friend. He's the one that'll openly talk to his friends about having seen porn before or have read yaoi/smut. He also seems like the person that would jokingly insult you and then apologise for it, even if you're laughing too.

Trust level- 6/10

Makoto Naegi-
Makoto's the half-mom friend. If you don't know what I mean by that, I'll explain. He's the type of person that you can vent to, he'll give you spare lunch money, constantly checking up on your mental and physical health, overreacting if you get a minor injury, stuff like that. But he's also the friend that'll be constantly spouting memes, or swearing loudly into a school microphone and get told off by a teacher. (Totally didn't happen to Author-chan.)

Trust level- 8/10

Byakuya Togami-
He's the friend who no-one knows how he quite got there, because he doesn't fit in at all. He isn't a good person to talk to, but he will scare people off if they insult you despite always giving his friends half-hearted insults. He cares, he just doesn't show it.

Trust level- 4/10

Yasuhiro Hagakure-
If this guy becomes your friend, you will never know peace again for as long as you know him. He's the can be very hectic/chill friend. He's definitely got some form of ADHD (that's not cannon that's just my hc for him), because this motherfucker will be constantly moving around, yelling, get overly exited, do dumb shit, etc. But he's the friend that'll 100% be there for you no matter what. He doesn't care if you've just had a fight with your parents, if you've broken up with an S/O, or someone's died. He'll bring over snacks, and hug you until you feel better or fall asleep. He'll also give you one of his jackets, which are surprisingly comfortable.


Sayaka Maizono
Definitely the head or 'main friend' in your freind group. The one that's noticed the most. People will say 'that's Sayaka's friend group' or whatever. Sayaka is actually VERY self-enrolled, but she's also kind, to some extent,

Trust Level- 4/10

Celestia Ludenburg/Taeko Yasuhiro
Celeste is definitely the quiet but loyal friend. She will seem cold to you at first, but she does care about you. She's the kind of person that if someone even scratched you she would commit bloody murder. She's definitely the most classy one of the group, also.

Trust level- 7/10

Sakura Ogami.
Sakura looks scary, but she's the most gentle, kind person that could've been chosen to be your friend. She's also a definitely good person to talk to, and she can join Hiro and Mondo in the amazing hug gang. She'll pretty much always be there for you, and she would fight for her friends. Literally. She did once. And it was scary.

Trust level- 9/10

Aoi Asahina
She's energetic, fun to be around, and the one that'll sneak alcohol into a sleepover or parties. This girl does not know calm. She's always on her feet, and she definitely joins Leon in the 'jokey friend' section. She's not good at keeping secrets, because she always spews out what's on her mind, and she could carelessly tell your worst enemy you have a crush on them. If that's the scenario in mind.

Trust level- 5/10

Toko Fukawa
She's the quiet friend. She spends a lot of her time reading and writing  and doing homework, and she hates loud public spaces, so often doesn't join friend hangouts like going out to eat or shopping and stuff like that.

Trust level- 6/10

Kyoko Kirigiri
This girl can be stone cold, so doesn't have too many friends, but if she does have any, she'll give them a smile. She'll talk a bit more. Heck, once she got drunk and was acting like Aoi.

Trust level- 8/10

Next Headcannons:

What Kind Of Friend They Are (GD)

What Kind Of Friend They Are (KH)

When They Get Drunk (THH)

When They Get Drunk (GD)

When They Get Drunk (KH)

I also have a couple of oneshots planned, but idk I don't really post on this book anymore, GIVE ME REQUESTS PLS!!

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