ch. 1

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It's a normal Saturday morning. Natasha walks inside the Avengers Headquarters where the rest are either training in combat or thinking of new ways to make their technology more advance.

"Excuse me, everyone!"

Natasha gains everyone's attention.

"Say hello to the newest and youngest member of our team, Raven."

Raven nods awkwardly at everyone.

"Even though you are considered an avenger, you still need to undergo a lot training." Tony buts in, walking closer to Raven.

"Yes, what we do out there is extremely dangerous and if you fight without the proper training, you could get yourself killed and everyone around you." Cap added.

Raven nods once again.

"But, no worries though because according to what Nat has been saying about you, you are pretty good with combat and you're very intelligent when it comes to technology." Bruce added.

"And she can teleport." Nat added.

"Really?" Clint asks in awe.

"Yep." Nat nodded. "Rav, show them what you can do."

Raven nods awkwardly once more before teleporting around the room.

"That's good, but let's put that to the test." Tony says.

"Don't scare the newbie Stark." Cap sighs.

"I won't." Tony scoffed. "Alright, when it comes to being an avenger, you have to be aware of everything in your surroundings."

Raven listens intently.

"And sometimes things will happen out of nowhere." Tony explains. "Just like now."

Tony discreetly pushes a button that activates one of the dummies they use to train. Without any sound, the dummy runs its way behind Raven, ready to attack her. Unable to see from the back, Raven gets tossed across the room. Her body hits the concrete wall. She groan in pain, unable to get up.

"Did Stark just do the old dummy trick on her?" Thor walks in.

Nat rushes to Raven in concern.

"Are you okay?"

Raven nodded, getting up slowly.

"You have a lot to work on kid." Tony says. "Nat, you and Wanda train her."

Raven's eyes travels to Wanda who is intently gazing at her. She swallows hard, her palm getting a little sweaty.

"When are you ever gonna learn how to ease up on new members." Cap sighs, shaking his head at Tony.

"We're not a daycare." Tony starts. "We are here to train and defend people."

"Alright, I'll take her to her room." Nat says.

"No, have Maximoff take her." Tony says. "Cap and I need you for a little bit."

"Alright, Wanda she's all yours." Nat tells Wanda who is slightly approaching them.

"Where is she staying?" Wanda asks.

"Three rooms next to mine."

Wanda nodded before walking off. Raven follows. As they walk the hallway, Raven couldn't help but to fiddle with her fingers, afraid to speak a word. She looks at Wanda who is slightly ahead of her.

"For someone who can teleport you sure do walk slow." Wanda clears the silence with a smart remark.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Raven apologizes, speed walking right beside Wanda.

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