ch. 30

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As the light blasted through the entire room, Wanda squinted her eyes shut as she was blinded by them. She could barely keep up with her body as is and the sudden brightness in the room did not help.

The sokovian woman struggled to adjust her eyes, her attention still remained glued to the floor as her head still hunched over. The thick, gooey blood that covered her face has now dried over but the sweat that formed from every corner of her face made it feel fresh again.

Wanda mentally prepares herself for what's about to unfold. The excruciating pain that could potentially kill her, she's prepared for. She wonders if she's getting electrocuted, beaten to pulp, and or tortured with various types of tools. The more she waited, the more she grew impatient as she just wanted this to be over with. But, as soon as she didn't hear any of the familiar sounds that usually fill the room, she became worried.

As silence invaded the room, Wanda remained dangling from the ceiling, the sound of the chains that wrapped around her hands were the only source of sound. Her breathing became erratic the second she saw a figure silhouette still standing at the same position ever since the person had entered the room.

Wanda could only guess a few things that could happen according to the change of their 'normal' routine.

To her surprise, the unknown figure slowly made their way in front of her, unleashing the chains that wrapped her hands for as long as she could remember. She wonders if this is help, and that maybe she'll be able to leave.

Wanda's body dropped to the floor, almost instantly. Her attention remained to the ground as she could not even begin to lift her head up due to her lack of energy.

The sokovian woman could only see their shoes as the person remained unknown. Whoever this is, she hopes that it's a nice one because she could really use a little positivity in this eerie environment.

For what seemed like eternity, the figure lowers their stance to the redhead's level, but she still doesn't meet the person's eye contact. Relief washes over Wanda's body as she watches the individual offer her a helping hand. She accepts it without a doubt, hope bleeding through her entire body.

After Wanda gracefully accepted their peace offering, she was instantly met with its hand wrapped around her neck, shoving her back against the wall, her body landing on the concrete aggressively. Her eyes still remained to the ground as she felt the wind get knocked out of her. Soon, the tightness of the person's grip on her throat prevented her from taking a breath. Wanda starts dry heaving into a cough as she could feel herself close to passing out.

When her head shot straight up due to the lack of oxygen in her body, her eyes finally met theirs. Wanda's body fell into shock as she gazed upon the familiar eyes in front of her. The coffee-like hazel eyes that she longed to look at these past couple of months is now in front of her. Despite the circumstances, a sense of happiness came over her and all she wanted to do was apologize to her and let her know that she would never lie to her ever again.

Raven continued to choke her, oblivious to the fact that she's hurting the woman she loves. Her clouded mind couldn't let her see and or feel anything. All her consciousness wanted was to end her, no questions asked.

Wanda struggled to keep herself awake as the grip on her throat remained air-tight. She tried to beg, swaying her body side to side, hoping she would escape the woman's grip. But, it was no use. She's going to die in the arms of someone she loves.

"Raven, it's me." Wanda barely formed a coherent sentence as her body was thrown across the room, knocking more wind out of her.

The brunette marches to where her body had landed, straddling her hip to complete the job. Raven wrapped her hands on to the woman's throat yet again, preventing any air to pass through her esophagus.

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