ch. 27

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"That's not her." Wanda cleared the silence. "Whoever that is, it's not her." she stood up from her seat with her fist clenched shut.

Everyone stared at her with despair in their eyes knowing that out of all the people in that room, she's the one that's hurting the most.

"Don't just sit there and act like all of you actually believe it." Wanda muttered again but this time with a sense of leadership in her voice.

As silence remained in the room, with no one backing her up, Natasha stood up from her seat.

"She's right." Nat added, causing heads to turn to her. "The Raven I know would never do anything like that. Whoever that person was on the screen, it's not the Raven we know and love. I'm sure of it."

Nat offered Wanda a smile, reassuring her that she has her back on this situation. It's to be expected that these two would be the ones to stand up for the brunette because of their special bond. They knew in the deepest part of their hearts that this is not the woman they've grown to love.

"Wanda, I just don't know how you would want us to overlook—" Bruce started to speak.

"I'm not asking any of you to overlook anything that was done by that person. The only thing I'm asking for any of you is to believe that whoever that was, it's not her."

Steve pulled away from his seat, placing his hand on top of the red head's shoulder, "I think we all need to take a breather and gather our thoughts about this whole situation."

Wanda looked at him in disbelief, "you of all people should know what it's like to be in this situation. Just like Bucky, whoever that person was, she's being controlled and I'm sure of it."

The redness in her eyes started to take its form as her teammates still struggled to agree with her. Steve lowered his gaze, feeling a little ashamed of himself.

"Witchy is right." Tony interjected. "We have to get to the bottom of this and get our girl back before she does something like that again."

Wanda felt relieved listening to Tony talk about how he agrees with her. They're not one to always be on the same page and they clash heads more than they agree with one another. It's definitely a change in scenery and everyone noticed that.

"Fury, do we have any intel on where she could be?" Steve asked.

"As of right now, no. They were able to hack into the security system before we got a hold of the other systems. Luckily for us, my team was able to snag the one that I just showed considering the little time we have." Fury informed the team as he perched himself up.

"What about the tech they've been stealing? Have you figured out the pattern?" Bruce added, making himself known.

"Yes, so according to this data right here.." Fury trailed off as multiple blueprints and maps started to invade the screen. "They are creating a weapon that could vaporize an entire building in a matter of seconds. And as for the serum tech they took, they are making the pills liquid form now which will fasten the process of its competition."

Wanda couldn't bring herself to listen in on their conversation as she's too busy thinking about Raven. Her mind drifts off to the video they were watching a few minutes ago and the underlying concern she felt as soon as she saw her was worrisome. It was like someone was pulling her heart out of her chest through her mouth.

After not seeing any sight of her for a few months, Wanda thought of the worse. Maybe she had gotten into an accident and died. She hated herself for thinking the way that she did but during the times she didn't see or hear anything about her lover, her emotions got the best of her.

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