ch. 20

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(NSFW 18+)

After coming back from the compound, everyone had gone their separate ways to change into a much comfortable clothing because they were all soaking wet due to the rain that poured down on them.

Raven closed the door behind her, letting her damp clothes fall to the floor as she made her way to the shower. She turns the knob clockwise, setting the temperature to her liking before hopping inside, feeling the cold tiles beneath her.

After returning to her room, Wanda couldn't help but let her mind run free of what had happened back at the warehouse. The power that her emotions had on her when she found out that Raven "died" in the explosion was worrisome. She could feel her world crumbling down, losing control of what she has as a person. At that moment, there was no turning back. She sensed something click in her, a sudden change or emotion as her inner turmoil rose into something that she could possibly not pull herself out of.

Wanda paced back and forth around her room, her teeth digging into her nail as she thought about how different she could've been if her worst fear did in fact happen.

As her concern starts to get the best of her, she makes her way in front of Raven's door, knocking on it twice, waiting for her to open. After a couple of seconds with no answer, she swallowed the lump that took form in her throat before letting herself in. She looks around the room, hoping to find the brunette safe and sound. Even though they had a long, heart-warming talk about how the younger woman would never put herself in danger like that again, the Sokovian couldn't help but let the voices in the back of her win.

She knocks on the bathroom door twice, waiting for an answer she didn't know she longed for. "Are you in here?"

"Yeah? I'm in the shower." Raven's voice sounded muffled as the older woman finally released the breath she was holding. Without another thought, Wanda opens the door gently, letting herself inside.

The steam emitting out of the shower covered its entirety of the room, hindering Raven from seeing that the older woman had entered the room. Wanda stopped on her tracks, slowly letting her wet clothes fall to the ground before she was left with nothing but bare body. She pulled the sliding door toward her, their eyes instantly melting to one another.

Raven admires the beauty that stands in front of her, in complete utter awe. She couldn't believe her eyes as she gawked at the woman, her slim, toned body did not go unnoticed. It was like she was chiseled by the gods to ensure that they create someone as perfect as her. Her abs weren't too overpowered as they were just built the right way. Her lean-well defined shoulder along with her perfect size breasts adds the cherry on top of the word perfect as it definitely defines it as Wanda Maximoff.

Wanda enters the shower, not breaking eye contact with the young woman. She lets her chest run wet as the water collides with her body. It was too hot to her liking but she didn't care nonetheless. Wanda moved closer toward her until they were merely inches away from each other. The sexual tension she had created was raising through the roof, stirring an indescribable feeling in their chest.

Raven swiftly places her hands in the back of Wanda's head, running her fingers through her now damp hair. She leans in for a hot, steamy kiss diminishing the distance that no longer existed. She let her lips run wild, inserting her tongue as Wanda gave her the access to. Their tongue danced around each other, in battle for control. Raven nibbled on her bottom lip, pulling in gently toward her, earning a soft moan from Wanda.

"God, you are out of this world." Raven murmured under the sokovian's lip. She continued her kiss, deepening it as goes on.

Raven shifts the older woman's bare back against the clear, transparent wall of the shower, running her lips on Wanda's neck. In the hunt for her sweet spot, her tongue gazes on her soft skin ever so slightly causing Wanda to throw her head back against the wall.

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