ch. 11

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Tony gathered everyone inside the training room where they all practice their combat.

"Alright, everyone listen up."

Tony stands in the middle, everyone's eyes on him.

"We're one week away from raiding Tao's last scientific lab." Tony starts. "As you all know, Rao and his minions, also known as Void, they are very tricky to deal with."

Tony walks around the circle, making his points known.

"I clashed with them a few years back and they could've killed me and Pepper." Tony warns the group. "These people are very skilled and they will use anything and everything to stop you from getting what you want."

"When you say raid them, what do you mean by that?" Bruce questions.

"Coulson and his team gathered enough intel on their exact location and how long they will be there." Tony answers. "Usually, they don't like staying in one place. They migrate after two days. They recently moved to Vermont and will be staying in there for a month."

"How can you be so sure they'll be there for a month?" Thor asks.

"Because, Rao is there himself." Tony announces. "He doesn't go anywhere near his labs. He's always hidden and no one knows where he is 99.9% of the time."

"Why won't we just go now?" Raven asks.

"We could but it's all about timing and we have to have a solid plan." Tony enunciates. "By now, they know we are trying to take Tao's inner circle one by one so they will definitely take extra precaution when it comes to security."

"Sounds to me like this guy Rao created a fortress around him knowing you won't be able to touch him." Thor adds.

"You're right." Tony agrees. "He knows I can always hack my way into his system but that's not what I am planning on doing."

"How are we going to get inside his lab if you're not going to disable his security system?" Bruce asks.

"I called an old friend." Tony smiles, signaling for the person to come in. "You all know Vision. He helped us defeat Ultron. He's been working with Coulson these past couple of years but now, I believe that he will be very significant for this mission."

"Good afternoon everyone." Vision speaks as he floats a few feet from the air before descending.

"The next couple of days will be very crucial and I need all of you to remain focused." Tony declares. "Vision and I will deal with the lab aspect in terms of getting inside. Bruce and Thor will handle all exit points. Danvers, Maximoff and Woods, you three will be infiltrating room by room to destroy each data processor they have. Leave no stone unturned."

"And Rao?" Wanda asks.

"He could be anywhere in that facility, so if any of you guys come across him, proceed with caution." Tony says. "As soon as you all make it inside, Vision and I will be dealing with their aircraft they have hovering hovering all over the perimeter.

"Will there be pods like last time?" Raven asks.

"Fortunately no because they move frequently." Tony answers. "Their security on the other hand will be a tough one to crack."

"Alright, sounds like we all have a solid plan." Thor exclaims.

After Tony's meeting everyone went their separate ways, occupying themselves with their respective work to prepare for the mission.

"I remember the last time I was here you almost killed me." Raven chuckles at the memory.

Wanda and Raven look around one of the training rooms, Ruins, reminiscing of the memories they had.

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