ch. 26

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Raven couldn't fathom the feeling of betrayal and regret. Everything came all at once for her and it was becoming unbearable. She could feel every nerve in her body stir with so much fire power that it is turning her into something she's not.

The memories recalled upon her once more as she tried her hardest to forget them. She blamed herself for everything that happened in the house. The way her mom's eyes looked so hopeless as her death was nearing its course.

"Thank you for choosing me to be your mom.."

Those words kept gnawing at her from the inside with guilt as if she's not already feeling them. The heavy, and self-guilt she felt as she was running outside the house came for her, reminding her that she left her mother and her older sister to die inside the place she called home.

All the times she thought that her parents gave her away, she hated herself more. The brunette spent most of her time, hating her parents for doing what she thought they did when in reality, it was quite the opposite of that.

Her thoughts led her back to her abandoned house after she had left the compound. Raven stood in front of it, her attention plastered on the burned structure. The feeling came back again for her as she was reminded of what she felt after she made it out safely outside the empty road of her street.

Raven let her tears spill out of her eyes as her feet led her inside the house. It didn't seem like anyone bothered to try and salvage what was left of the house considering that it still looked the same as it did when it happened.

Her feet dragged along the burned wood on the floor as she went inside the house further. Raven let her memories play again as she was reminded of everything that ever happened inside the house. All of the heart-felt memories like the time she spent watching movies with her older sister on the couch eating various types of candies until they would throw up. She longed for that memory. She would do anything to get it all back. To be with her again and her mother.

As Raven walked further into the house, she stopped dead on her tracks as soon as she made it inside the kitchen where her worst nightmare took place.

The brunette could feel her heart being ripped out of her chest as she continued to gawk at the thick wood that still remained to where it was many years ago. She pictured her mom, alongside her sister as their body slowly fell victim of the fire, being burned to death.

Raven covered her mouth in disgust, the thought itself making her want to vomit. She's angry at herself and she thought about it. If she could, she would trade places because living with the memories she has now was worse. The constant guilt that keeps eating at her alive is slowly gaining control over her consciousness and it's only a matter of time before she loses that battle.

"I knew I'd find you here." A thick asian accent came from behind her.

The brunette spun herself around, pushing the tears that covered her eyes. In front of her is a man, probably 5'11 with long hair, brushed back top with a stubble beard. She has never seen this man before.

"You're probably wondering who I am." The unnamed man spoke as he paced around her. "I bet there's a lot of that going on inside your head."

"Who are you?"

"Who do you think I am?"

Raven glared at him, "I'm not here to play your games. Did you follow me here?"

"How would I follow you if you teleported yourself in here?" The man asked rhetorically as he cocked his eyebrows.

"How'd you know I can teleport?"

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