ch. 5

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After coming back from the amusement park, Wanda places her goldfish on the other side of her nightstand carefully. She looks at the fish who swam peacefully with a smile. Wanda remembers Raven at the sight of this fish, remembering how fun it was watching the other woman focused at the game, making sure she wins the goldfish for her.

"Oh, how did we get here?" Wanda takes a deep breath.

A knock on the door interrupts Wanda. She gets up from her bed, opening her door seeing Raven in front of her.

"I forgot to give you this."

Raven gives Wanda the two-piece bracelet she had won for the woman.

Wanda nodded, taking it away from Raven's hand.

"Goodnight Wanda." Raven says with a smile.

"Goodnight Raven."

Wanda closes her door, leaning her back against it. She holds the bracelet, running her thumb on little wooden sphere design.

Raven walks herself back to her room, feeling giddy.

Tonight, Wanda and Raven thinks of one another as they fall asleep.


"Alright, so on to this blackbox." Tony starts the meeting. "I had my guys ran through a very extensive check on this tech."

"What's the outcome?" Raven asks.

"Getting the information and content on this technology is going to take sometime." Tony informs them. "Think of it this way, it's like charging your cellular device, each percentage containing a handful of information."

"So that means it will take three months to get the full content?" Thor asks.

"Not necessarily." Tony says. "There are going to be days where it would give you five percent of the memory of this thing."

Everyone listens intently.

"It's very unpredictable." Bruce adds. "We just have to maintain an eye on this thing as it downloads its content on our database."

"Maximoff, you and Woods are going to be the ones maintaining the percentages and the data." Tony says. "Bruce and I will make sure our database can handle all the information it gives and it doesn't fry our system making us vulnerable."

Raven and Wanda nodded.

"Thor, I'm going to need you and Parker to go to one of Lynx's underground lab here in Seattle and gather as much information as you can." Tony tell him. "If you can find this flash-drive, that would be great."

Tony shows Thor a picture of the drive.

"It is believed that it contains Lynx's plans regarding expanding his labs across Seattle."

"Got you, consider it done." Thor says confidently.

After the meeting everyone split into their respective place. Raven and Wanda remained inside the conference room where they keep an eye on the blackbox that is starting to download data.

"Thirty minutes until its first percentage." Raven tells Wanda.

Wanda nodded, inputting information inside her computer.

Wanda and Raven falls into a sync of working together, making sure to record all the data they are getting.

Hours after hours of data recording, they are able to get 3% out of a 100 of the blackbox's content.

"We're not even at five percent and it's already giving us at least thousands of buyers." Raven says. "Most of them are from Southeast Asia."

"All of them so far are known to be linked through multiple infamous gangs."

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