════|Chapter 2|════

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Hinata sat down beside his best friend and rival, Kageyama. Yamaguchi took his seat diagonal to the small male, and beside Tsukishima. All four of them pulled out their schoolwork while Akiteru, Tsukishima's brother, gave them something to snack on while they worked.

As the group worked on their project Hinata couldn't help but sneak a glance at the group every now and then. However, he always found himself glancing at the blonde across him.

The little tangerine shook his head and tried to focus on the work before him. Hinata reached out to the plate of food and felt something brush against his. He looked up and watched Tsukishima's hand retreat to his side.

Pain hit Hinata's chest, which the reason was unknown to him, and he frowned. He quickly grabbed a biscuit and munched on it, writing down copied information from the textbook that lay under his notebook.

Time passed quickly and Hinata could suddenly feel the urge to cough. He did his best to supress the feeling and occasionally cleared his throat to get rid of the feeling.

Finally, Hinata couldn't take it. He raised his head, "uh... Tsukishima where's the bathroom?" He asked standing up.

"Keep heading straight down to the end of the hallway, it's the door to your right." Tsukishima bluntly answered without so much as looking at the ginger head in the eyes.

Hinata nodded and quickly took off, speed walking towards the bathroom.

Upon arriving Hinata shut the door and locked it behind him. Hinata leaned over the sink and released his coughs. His throat started to ache at the heavy coughs. His coughs did not stop, and it almost felt like he was about to vomit something up.

Hinata screwed his eyes shut, releasing the painful coughs. About a minute later, the coughs lessened and Hinata's breathing had resumed to its normal state. "I... must've really overworked myself... at training..." Hinata exhaled.

Slowly he opened his eyes to reveal the perfectly clean sink, despite feeling he was about to vomit everything in his body. He turned on the tap and washed his face and hands before quickly going back to the group.

"Oy, four eyes here." Kageyama grumbled handing the paper of his work to the taller male. Tsukishima looked over his work and sighed. "I'm heading home now." Kageyama stated packing his things.

Hinata kneeled on the ground and grabbed his notebook, looking at his poorly written notes. "Uh... I'm gonna head home too!" Hinata said quickly shoving his things into his bag and took off after his best friend.

"Yeah whatever, later." Tsukishima said.

"Bye guys! Take care!" Yamaguchi smiled waving goodbye to his friends, which the two returned with smiles.

Hinata and Kageyama walked side by side, down the street. "I don't understand why I had to be in the same group as that dumb beanpole!" Hinata whined reaching into his bag in search of his phone.

"Heh, got that right. God he's so annoying!!" Kageyama growled.

"Eh?" Hinata let out, searching more thoroughly into his bag. "My phones not-- oh! Oops, I left my phone at Tsukishima's... I guess I was too much in a hurry to leave..." Hinata sheepishly chuckled.

"Well, whatever, I'm going home. See you tomorrow boke!" Kageyama waved and Hinata smiled running off towards Tsukishima's house.

Upon arriving Hinata stood in front of the door, his finger hovering in front of the doorbell. 'Why am I overreacting? I just came here to get my phone, that's all!' He thought and pressed the button once.

Akiteru opened the door and greeted the small teen with a welcoming smile. "Hello again Hinata, did you forget something?" He asked widening the door so Hinata could enter the house.

"Yeah... I forgot my phone." Hinata smiled sheepishly scratching the back of his head. The ginger head walked towards Tsukishima's room and gently knocked on the door. "T-Tsukishima...?" Hinata choked out, peeking his head into the room.

The blonde turned around and saw Hinata entering the room. "What do you want shrimp? And who said you could enter?" He asked with a scowl.

"Sorry! I... um... I just forgot my phone..." Hinata said and spotted it on the table they had just been working their project on.

"Here, now leave." Tsukishima said handing Hinata his phone and waved his hand.

Hinata frowned and took the phone. He stood in place for a moment, his lips forming a firm line as he gripped his phone tightly. "Well? You have your phone, leave." Tsukishima clicked his tongue.

"Why..." Hinata's voice cracked as tears threatened to fill his eyes, "why are you always so mean to me?"

Tsukishima furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at the ginger head in front of him. "None of your damn concern-"

"I haven't done anything to you! And yet- and yet you insult me and act as if I have no right to be in your presence!!" Hinata slightly raised his voice, "why? If you don't want me around do badly just tell me and I'll leave immed-"

Hinata was cut off by a sudden eruption of coughs. His throat burned and his lungs felt full. His breathing felt limited. He felt like he was suffocating. He coughed and coughed, the feeling of wanting to cough out everything that was inside him returned.

Tsukishima did nothing but watch as Hinata covered his mouth and proceeded to cough.

Akiteru rushed into the room, wondering what was happening. His expression quickly shifted into concern as he rushed to Hinata's side, who was still having a coughing fit.

"Tsukishima, quickly get some water." Akiteru ordered.

The blonde just 'tsk'ed and took his time, walking towards the kitchen to do as his brother had told him to. What's with that shrimp? Seriously, I just don't want anything that has to do with him... Tsukishima growled, filling the glass cup with water.

He walked back into his room to find Hinata trying to regain his much-needed breath. He handed him the water as Hinata croaked out a "thanks."

The small teen chugged the water in a few gulps and Akiteru took the cup. "Feeling better?" He asked and the ginger head just nodded.

"Thank you..." Hinata smiled a little, "well I have to be going. Sorry for bothering you."

"Ok, don't push yourself too hard!" Akiteru smiled at Hinata who just nodded. He looked at his little brother and nudged his side. "Come on, he's your friends, isn't he?" He asked.

Tsukishima just rolled his eyes. Hinata turned around, clutching his tightened chest. "I'll be going now, bye." He said with a dejected tone and rushed out of the house.

The small teen ran down the street with tears finally being released. Thoughts invaded his mind and pain overwhelmed his chest. Why? Why does it hurt...?? Hinata asked, finally coming to a stop at a bridge.

He looked down at the water under the bridge and put his hand in front of him, seeing the crimson colour that stained it. More tears rolled down his cheeks as he fell to his knees.

Why? He asked himself.

𝑯𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍 | TsukiHina |✔️Where stories live. Discover now