════|Chapter 3|════

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Tsukishima walked down the pathway on his way to morning practice. He buried his nose into his velvet scarf with his music masking the noise of silence. Flashbacks from last night filled his head and he sighed.

Tsk, that damn shrimp. He should learn to read the atmosphere. Of course, I don't want him around, he's too damn energetic and loud. Tsukishima thought. Burying his hands deeper into the pockets of his jacket.

Snow coated the land as more snowflakes slowly dropped down, adding more.

"Tsukki!" A bubbly voice exclaimed getting the blondes attention. He stopped and looked ahead of him, seeing his childhood friend, Yamaguchi waving to him. He took his time and approached him.

"Morning!" Yamaguchi smile while Tsukishima just nodded and proceeded to walk with Yamaguchi beside him.

The two walked and as per usual, Yamaguchi rambled on and on about whatever had come to his mind. Tsukishima however did not pay much attention to what the green head was saying.

Yamaguchi had noticed this, and he looked at the blonde. "Tsukki, are you feeling, ok? You look a little... disturbed?" He asked.

Tsukishima just looked at Yamaguchi with a neutral glance. "I don't know, I'm just annoyed that's all." He answered and entered the change rooms with Yamaguchi entering right after him.

After getting changed they walked towards the gymnasium, finding Kageyama and Hinata already practicing their quick attack. Hinata picked up a couple of volleyballs and looked up.

"Morning guys!" Yamaguchi greeted with a warm smile.

"Morning!" Hinata and Kageyama said in unison.

Hinata's brown orbs landed on Tsukishima who as well looked at him. The ginger head swallowed hard and looked away, the lingering feeling of turmoil stung his chest, and an itchiness filled his throat.

He rushed back to the volleyball basket and put the volleyballs inside. Once he had done so he proceeded to grab a ball and toss it up towards Kageyama.

Kageyama lifted his arms and tossed the ball up in the air as Hinata ran towards the net, jumping up. His left arm stretched out, while his right arm resided next to his cheek.

The ball soared right in front of him. His eyes watched as the ball paused for a moment and he motioned his arm, his palm making contact with the ball. The ball soared down to the corner of the court, and he landed, cheering with his best friend.

"Ah! Nice to see that you're in much better shape today, Hinata!" Sugawara grinned patting the ginger head on the back. Flustered, Hinata couldn't help but smile at Sugawara's kind words.

"Tsukki!" Yamaguchi grinned bringing the blonde back to reality, not realizing how long he'd been staring at the small teen.

Soon the rest of the team had arrived, and the team began their morning practice.


The final bell rang and Hinata sprinted out of the building with a loud cheer escaping his mouth. Guess I really was sick, I haven't coughed at all today! Hinata grinned, making his way towards the bike racks.

As he had unlocked his bike and was about to head off, Hinata spotted Yamaguchi peering around a corner. He raised an eyebrow as curiosity got the better of him. He approached the green head and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey Yams! What are you doing?" Hinata asked tilting his head ever so slightly to the side.

Yamaguchi smiled and put his index finger to his lips. "Some girl in our class is confessing to him, look!" He whispered, pointing to the blonde who's back faced them.

Hinata watched as the girl fiddled with her fingers, her face visibly red as she bowed her head and clenched the hem of her skirt.

"T-Tsukishima! I-I... For a while now... I've loved you!! Please go out with me!" The girl exclaimed as she screwed her eyes shut.

Hinata gulped.

The itchy feeling in his throat was back. His heart throbbed and his breathing became unstable. He could no longer hold it back and he released a cough. Followed by another, then another.

A chain of coughs escaped his lips. He quickly hid against the wall.

"H-Hinata?! A-Are you ok?? Do you need the nurse???" Yamaguchi askes, clearly panic stricken.

The ginger head felt pressured by the sudden number of questions, and he ran towards his bike, he got on it and pedalled, he pedalled to wherever his arms and legs took him.

Unknowingly tears escaped his eyes. He coughed and let out sobs, he rode over a bridge and let out a scream, a scream of pain and despair. Hinata couldn't understand why he was feeling such things towards a simple confession. But he knew that it hurt, it hurt so much that it felt like he was going to die.

He couldn't breathe, he felt trapped.

Suddenly his bike stumbled on a large rock and the poor little teen fell off. He helped as his face and body made contact with the ground. There he lay on the ground, sobbing. The pain hadn't stopped. He curled his hands into fists and let out screams which were then cut off by coughs.

He felt full, like he was suffocating all over again. Instead of feeling the need to vomit, he only let out coughs, feeling as if he were to cough out his lungs and whatever he felt were inside him. He couldn't stop, he felt as if something were really trying to escape his very throat.

Suddenly he tasted it, a sweet metallic taste in his mouth. Red liquid covered his hand and spilled onto the ground. Hinata's eyes widened at the sight of the red liquid. W-Why? Why is this happening to me...? Hinata asked himself.

Although in distraught and confusion, he somewhat felt that vomiting whatever was trying to come out would relieve him of the suffering he was going through right now.

About a second or so later, Hinata had finally stopped coughing, shocked that no vomit had come out. Hinata looked down at his hand and his eyes widened at the bloody sight.

However, it wasn't the only thing that had surprised him.

A single white petal, covered in the red liquid sat on his hand. The white petal was pure, like the colour itself, however a shade of yellow at its base tainted it.

Hinata sat on the ground, wondering why he had coughed up a flower. He threw the petal on the ground and clutched his throbbing chest.

It still hurts... why? He asked himself, looking up at the sky that was slowly being engulfed by the beautiful dark sky as the moon rose to take the suns place.

𝑯𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍 | TsukiHina |✔️Where stories live. Discover now