════|Chapter 8|════

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Hinata dropped his pencil and clutched the hem of his blazer tightly. The pain in his chest had completely overwhelmed his senses, tears welled up in his eyes and his throat burned. Yamaguchi stood up and glared at his childhood friend where as Kageyama stood up and grabbed the blonde by his shirt.

Tsukishima looked down, his eyes dull and expression neutral as usual.

"Boys!" The teacher yelled earning stares from the students in the room. Whispers could be heard by the group until a cough interrupted it, Hinata let out several coughs and Yamaguchi immediately had a feeling that things were going to be much more chaotic if anyone saw the event unfold further.

Sure, the green head did not know what was going on with Hinata and even though Hinata had assured him that he was fine, it did not stop his instinct from telling him otherwise.

Before Yamaguchi could lay a hand on the small teen, Hinata abruptly stood up and ran out of the classroom. The audible shout from the teacher could be heard by the orange head, but he chose to ignore it.

Hinata slid and turned a sharp corner making him lose his balance and hit the wall. He grunted and let out a cough, blood escaping his lips. Hinata continued to sprint until he finally arrived at the bathroom, he entered and got into the closest cubicle.

He kneeled by the toilet and let out the painful coughs that he had been desperately trying to hold back. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he clenched his chest and scratched at it. The unbearable pain tearing him apart. The poor teen let out a scream of agony as his coughs became rougher to the point where it sounded like he was vomiting.

However, it wasn't long when he suddenly vomited out blood and the same flower he had found in his room. He stared at the beautiful yet deadly flower and had realised his lack in oxygen as he proceeded to cough out petals that belonged to the flower.

Suddenly another flower had escaped his mouth and Hinata cried.

He didn't know how long he had been in the toilet, nor did he know how long he had suffered. All he knew that the pain was intolerable and unendurable. An empty void replaced his emotions and his brown orbs turned dull.

There the ginger head sat, his back leaning against the door and tears streaming down his cheeks. The tears seemed endless, like the ocean and so was the pain he felt in his chest. Hinata gripped his chest and let out a weak cough.

For how long... for how long am I going to suffer... it hurts so much... I just-- I just want it all to end... Hinata sobbed and brought his knees close to his chest and buried his face in his arms, letting out muffled sobs.


Yamaguchi walked down the hallway in search of the small, athletic teen. Kageyama had managed to calm down and he stayed in the classroom with Tsukishima continuing their group project. Yamaguchi had somehow managed to convince the teacher to go look for Hinata, his reason: "he hasn't been feeling well".

The first year turned left and approached the bathroom that was closest to his class, already hearing the faint sobs in the bathroom.

A frown formed on his freckled face as he pushed the door open and proceeded towards the stall that contained the sobs. Yamaguchi gulped and gently knocked on the door, waiting for a response.

"H-Hinata...?" Yamaguchi asked, worry in his tone, "you in there?"

He heard sniffles and the sign on the stall turned from 'occupied' to 'vacant'. Yamaguchi's eyes scanned Hinata's body from head to toe. Traces of blood tainted his chin and hands; small splatters of blood stained his button-down shirt.

𝑯𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍 | TsukiHina |✔️Where stories live. Discover now